Friday Four: Big Families ROCK

You have 9 kids? “You sure have your hands full.”

advice from a tree

I use to hear that all of the time. In this day and age, having a large family is often equated with either irresponsibility or a lack of concern for the environment–both of which are nowhere near the truth.  Having a large family also seems to invite comments…not all of them kind or even rational.  The rude comment of, “Don’t you have a t.v. or a hobby? makes me want to makes my husband nod and smile.

Some people just don’t have a clue how blessed we are.

 And then they follow it up with, 

“But you sure look like you all have loads of fun!”      

Well, yes, we sure do. You wouldn’t believe how much fun we have together. So, without further ado, I bring you my top four reasons large families rock:

  1. When my husband and I get in our decline….we don’t have to be concerned about senior living centers.
  2. We can build our own community. A baker, a builder, a seamstress, a business manager, a mechanic, etc,. Of course they can be whatever they wish as long as it’s productive.
  3. Forever Young! These darlings keep us laughing, active and wanting to be positive role models.hd6
  4. We understand the concept of God better. Yes, No, Wait, You think you grown, I’ll teach you””, Your hard work wasn’t in vain……all the ways we interact with our children seems so  bro usparallel to how God parents us.

Here’s a bonus: Psychologically, growing up in a family of three or more children contributes to a more well-rounded personality.  Having siblings helps an individual to develop social skills early in childhood.  Through proper parental guidance, children growing up with siblings can learn such virtues as generosity, self-sacrifice, and thoughtfulness. “If I ever find anything in life that I enjoy as much as my children, I will have a lot of that as well.”- QC Supermom


Today’s Mantra

“Our misguided values in our culture are principally evident in our loss of appreciation for children. But he who loves children loves innocence, loves playfulness and remains forever young.”

Till next time, Have a dozen joys, QC Supermom

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