As we approach International Women’s Month or Women’s History Month. We are again celebrating it by hosting NC Sheroes! This year’s theme is: “Yes All Women”! Yes All Women need to practice more self care! Yes All Women need Chocolate. We also need to acknowledge our other needs. Yes All Women deserve quality maternity care. Yes All Women deserve a safe childhood. Yes All Women should be able to provide for her family. Yes All Women should feel like she has a voice. I could go on and on. Instead, let me tell you about this year’s award celebration. On March 20, 2020, we will honor seven Carolina based women that have been nominated as being a shero! Someone, Yes, All Women need. They have worked and lived in a way to make life better for her family, community, and the world. Our goals is to share how they choose to inspire #YesAllWomen!

It’s not just about one day or one month — it’s about what they do, day-in and day-out.

In order to celebrate these women, we need your help to learn about their background and stories.

If you know a woman within the Charlotte NC area that represents all women – YESALL WOMEN well. Please fill out this form by March 8, 2020. And yes, you can nominate more than one woman. We will take it from there. Thanks! Let’s do this for – #YESALLWOMEN

women that inspire award ceremony in Charlotte nc

Since 2005 this celebration has been in partnership with MomsRising and Queen City Stay At Home Moms. We are super honored to have the home-school division of the McCrorey YMCA join us this year. As I see it, it’s a good strategy for ensuring future generations of women that lead!

Here’s the nomination form: CLICK HERE! (then share with a friend) #YESALLWOMEN

Friday Four: Why Even Bother To Volunteer!

Representing at this Food Advocate Forum with other food justice pals at Heist Brewery 

“If our hopes of building a better and safer world are to become more than wishful thinking, we will need the engagement of volunteers more than ever.” — Kofi Annan

This week has been a doozie! The boys had three different practices. I have a wedding to prepare for , on top of a few other business projects. Little seven month old Avi Baby to tend to and tax season to keep a float. But I still make time to volunteer. And I will not drag out the reason’s why:

  1. I REALLY like helping people reach goals that will improve their lives.
  2. I always learn a new life skill set ( or my children do)
  3. My children and I get to meet very interesting people that impact our lives in various ways.There are 7.4 billion people in the world, all from different cultures and backgrounds and the bonds we form can be so strong they last a lifetime. The most interesting and strongest of relationships have formed in some pretty unusual ways, volunteering and helping others puts you center stage. You’re now in a position to learn about the people you meet and what their world looks like, you’ll learn things you didn’t know before and become friends with people you didn’t think you would, how’s that for free.99?
  4. Serving others with my children is a great way to remind my children to remain humble, grateful, respectful, resourceful and charitable. Because the people that we may be serving today, maybe the ones serving us tomorrow.
  5. BONUS – You could possibly land your next job by the quality of work you do for free.
  6. BONUS – Spending more quality time with your kids is never EVER a waste of time. Kids grow up so fast! The more time listening to their voice the better. I promise.

7. BONUS- Some volunteering* leads to free travel, food, adventures and other unimaginable opportunities.

8. Bonus – Volunteering May help you discover what you want to do with your life. There’s so many ways to be a blessing to others. Not just passing out sandwiches and/ pamphlets. Volunteering looks, sounds, moves, and hits in so may ways. For example, did you know, that in Charlotte, there is a nonprofit housing repair company, a cute service that set up mobile farmers markets that offer fresh produce at a donation to residents living inside food desserts. (I’m on that board. It’s “The Bulb” ) and a Female Boxing Company? I’m sure there’s more, but I need to get some rest. I’ll list more later. Take care ya’ll!

Last thoughts, people will make time or excuses for what they want to do. I chose to be a helper, learner, servant, teacher, healer, mother and Earth Keeper- on top of everything else that I do. Because I know that if it wasn’t for alla that’ stuff, it wouldn’t be any Kelle.

(I just thought of another one- volunteering could also extend or improve the quality of your life. Especially if you a widow, live alone, etc.)

community support