Friday Four: The Secret To Being A Super SAHM

You can be at home and be happy. The choice is yours…………


I was the guest speaker at a WIC meeting  yesterday, and it was a success!

 I’m still honored yet humbled to be a part of that wonderful learning opportunity. 

 I announced it in Wednesday Wow post.  

Click here if you didn’t read it.- 

The breastfeeding peer counselors wanted to know how to better serve their clients. That means they are open to learn & listen. Our voices were heard! (thank you to all that shared) And we had fun! I even learned something new. Well four things.

1. I speak fast! (I knew that already though)

2.All breastfeeding peer counselors must have children be hold their position and must have breastfed her own children.  ( a service of state breastfeeding coalitions, providing listings for breastfeeding resources based on ZIP code. ) It now available.

4.  When you decide to be a sahm,and breastfeed, you should not have  any regrets.

This could easily be the shortest post to date as my household is 85% under the weather. And I think from being puked, sneezed and grabbed on all night, I’m about ready for a nap also. This is mentally and physically DRAINING.

“Without counsel, plans go awry, but in the multitude of counselors they are established” (Prov. 15:22). In other words, there is wisdom in the counsel of many. Praying for wisdom in the midst of a difficult decision and seeking wise counsel is, well, wisdom. But ultimately you still have to make the decision yourself.

First make the decision- Any decision that you make causes a chain of events to happen.

Research shows that mothers earn 4 to 15 percent less than non-mothers with comparable jobs and qualifications, that as job candidates, mothers are perceived as less competent and committed than non-mothers. Not sure if those numbers are current, but I do know that business loves stability, motivation to do a good job, productivityand a strong appearance with communications. You will definitely need to upgrade skills.  So here’s what to do.

1.  Find support. A mom’s group that fit’s your needs.  The landscape of support, companionship and resources will amaze you.

2.  Think about pursuing your dreams while you’re home with the baby. Now is a great time to volunteer/practice in that field*.

“You won’t believe how fast those years go by,” my aunt said. “Try not to miss them, if you can help it.”-Katy Read


3. Get busy! Find things to do today that will enrich, stimulate and empower you.  This allows you to stay mentally ready for life transitions while sharing it with your little one (s).

4. Never loose sight of yourself in the down time. There is no such thing as a Supermom, I know I play the part well, but seriously. Go for a ride. Lock the bathroom door, do whatever you need to do to protect your sanity. After all, as a sahm, you do not get a time clock, so punch out your own time to rejuvenate!

Have a great Friday -QC Supermom


Wednesday Wow:Working with WIC

So, I have this overwhelming speaking engagement coming up…..the invite went like this:

Hi Kelle,

I wanted to make sure you will be able to be with us this Thursday, November 29 for the Quarterly WIC Regional Breastfeeding Loving Support continuing education meeting.  I tried calling the 704-705-5952 number to speak with you.  The recorded message said you were not accepting calls.

We are looking forward to hearing you speak about your experiences as a supermom, breastfeeding WIC participant, and community activist.  I hope you will share your story about your experience at the library; and what happened as a result of that experience (your thoughts, feelings, actions, media coverage etc)

Your audience will be WIC Peer Counselors and their managers – mostly also breastfeeding (or former breastfeeding) supermoms.  We do have a few that do not have children of their own. This group comes together from 7 counties (including Mecklenburg), 4 times a year……………blah, blah, blah!

 Women, Infants and Children (WIC) is a federal assistance program of the Food and Nutrition Service of the (USDA) for healthcare and nutrition of low-income pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and infants and children under the age of five.The eligibility requirement is a family income below 185% of the U.S. Poverty Income Guidelines. If a person participates in other benefit programs, or has family members who participate in the Food Stamp Program, Medicaid, or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, they automatically meet the eligibility requirements. This program is unrelated to the USDA’s Food Stamp Program. Currently, WIC serves 53 percent of all infants born in the United States.

Really? I have a lot to share actually. I have even collected other breastfeeding moms and WIC participants to share their opening.  So, Ok, I can do this! They may not like everything that I may say, but, it will be the truth. Now before I share my pointers for Thursday, let me tell you about WIC.

WIC stands for Women Infant and Children. 

What foods does WIC provide?

WIC items can be used in healthy meals.

WIC provides infant formula, infant
and adult cereal and juice, eggs, milk,
cheese, peanut butter, and dried beans
or peas. Some WIC participants also
receive canned tuna and carrots.

Note: They are like a paycheck in that, if you lose it, it won’t be replaced. So you have to be mindful  and secure it.

If you are breastfeeding, there is an enhanced package available.

Now, my responses, the reduced fat edition…….

1.  My experiences as a supermom have been great! I love it. I understand that with great rewards come great responsibility. Being recognized for what I doing on a regular awakened me to a whole new level of wellness. If I shared with more moms like me, I can possibly help ensure that my children will have happy and healthy friends to play with. Less stressed out moms, and keep my Johnson and Wales degrees updated.  I done just that. Since 2007, I’ve began a thriving stay at home mom community  secured awesome opportunities to support motherhood and the seven branches of wellness and most of all I’ve been able to watch my children learn how to eat for life.

2. As a breastfeeding WIC participant,I think its a wonderful program in theory and anyone who qualifies for it, but doesn’t apply is nutty! I get  free food and free medical/nutritional services (weight checks, iron level checks). Sure, it could be better.  The very worst part about WIC is the  wait time for appointments. Heaven forbids if you missed it. Your child may be 2 1/2 when you call to reschedule, but will be three by the time you get into the office (it’s a joke, but it does seems that long).

Not all stores carry enough of the items listed on the vouchers. Cashiers could benefit from better transactions procedures, even the selections could be healthier. I love the juice, rice, the entire breastfeeding package,wheat wraps* dry beans and a few others.

A great idea would be to teach moms how to best use the instruments. All moms don’t know how to cook beans or how to create some of their most  favorite meals with the items listed on their vouchers or count the offered ozs of different food,i.e.  jar baby food, packaged fish. There are numerous ways to use that stuff! Pizza, quiche, soups, smoothies, casserole, etc., And I said show. I can read it in print, but let me see how easy it is for us to make.

Another idea would be to teach moms how to shop with their fruits and vegetable vouchers. One lady that in line in front of me selected one canned fruit. She did not know that she could get fresh fruits/veggies!

Need to apply? Click here!

Trust me, more people are on it than you think!

My best advice to any mom when using these instruments is this. Take your shopping guide that was provided by WIC and use it to make your selections. Also bring a calculator if your buying baby food and a upbeat outlook , just in case your cashier or the inventory is lackluster. The extra time getting prepared pays off in confidence and a over all better shopping experience.

Where is WIC available?
WIC is available in all 50 States, 34
Indian Tribal Organizations,
American Samoa, the District of
Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, the
Virgin Islands, and the Northern
Mariana Islands.

3. Being a  community activist  has to be one of the greatest thing I’ve ever done. I love serving, but my husband insists I charge!  LOL. I get some of the most pressing issues in my voice mail  on my phone , at my front door! You wouldn’t imagine. But here’s why I do what I do. I have 8 kids  that I homeschool. I know that they watch everything I do, everything that I say. If I see someone in need and refuse to help, I’m wrong. If I am asked for my opinion on why lil Jeans skin looks prickly, and don’t be honest and say that she needs to drink more water- I’m wrong. If I don’t help my fellow mom with resources, intellectual gifts, Guidance, or time, I’m teaching my 3 daughters and 5 sons that no one else matter but them.  The money will come. I am by no means a fool. As we speak I’m in the mist of going 501(c)3.  My moms group offers cooking with kids classes, job training for stay at home moms, pre school prep for the little ones, volunteering opportunities as well as other mom empowering services. We even have a growing identity as product testers. Since blogging over 2 years now, I’ve been able to connect better with various brands, both small and large that want to get in the face of my moms. So as you see being Kelle works for me.  I’m not your typical stay at home mom and I try to help other moms stand out too!

Which brings me to question #4.  I’m asked to share my story about that library experience at Beatties Ford Road Library.

(Ok, click here to read the story) honestly I think the volunteer  considered where she was and went on a ego trip. Taking the entire staff down with her. Ignorance  can appear like a beast on steroids and red#40.  I still can’t believe it happened. And here’s why. Beatties Ford Road has an  98% African American residential status. The supervisor Iris, had the nerves to approach me while Noah was finishing his lunch. For her, it was ignorance and a lack of respect. I’m not a flashy dresser, so I guess I appeared to be a pushover to her. She asked me show her where I had rights to feed my lil one in public. Long story short. One would expect an older woman, in a higher educated status, with more life experience to have some wisdom on something that African American moms have been doing forever. Come on! Sweet baby Jesus was breast fed! (back to the subject at hand.) I understand that society still frowns upon it, and some people would look down on that situation however it’s the law & I knew that she was wrong. I had to speak up for myself.

I thought the apology given by their spokes person was for the birds, and still do. I am in the process of securing an attorney. In can be tricky finding someone to take the case as I’ve found. Every right is not enforceable.

So I must be careful not to share too much to cripple my case. Just know that I’m not doing this for me. Since the experience, the out pour of support has been unbelievable. Moms were talking about sit ins and call ins….and just about anything else you can imagine.  Then I had some that said “You’re my hero, I would’ve never had the courage to do that”, ” it happened to me and I didn’t know what to do beside go home  and cry,” “I never had anyone to support me nursing at home or in public.”

It was great to see that there are many other moms like me as passionate about being able to feed our babies peacefully when & wherever  it’s needed.

When this case is resolved, I plan to create cards to ensure oenursing in public. I would also sponsor  moms for doulas and  new moms classes. After all everything from jets to kitchen blenders – and even sporks come with a instruction manual. Children, despite all their complexity, do not.” Moving forward, I would support the 501(c)3 with sales of nursing cover ups and lactation cookies. 

Till next time, QC Supermom

Parenting In Public

The sound of it stopped me right in my tracks: A harsh, “Cut that out! That is not okay!” It almost sounded like she was snarling. Where had my daughter learned to talk like that to her little brother? It sounded so terrible coming from such a sweet young lady in training.  I heard that sound before? Oh, no. I knew exactly where I had heard that before, and where my daughter had gotten it. Straight from my own mouth. Did I really sound like that?

Another incident- this happened at Aldis. T’ the 2yo was sleepy & went on a rampage. He started yelling! Then he started crying! Oh goodness. One of the siblings pointed out a toy Elmo (which he LOVES)  and it went up a hole  other level. He wouldn’t stop. A nice older lady tried to reason with him and he went off on her, yelling  and waving his arms saying” NO, no, NO. no.NO!” How embarrassingly rude!

We’ve all got behaviors we’re not proud of. I’m a chronic procrastinator. And I’ve been known to sneak snacks while no one looking in my mouth. Disliking those behaviors in myself makes it all the more painful when I see glimpses of them in my kids. More so when it’s out in public! People can be so darn judgmental.  I know what they must be thinking, but thank goodness I’ve gotten to a point where I know it’s my job to raise them,and if I don’t encourage certain behaviors, no one else will. So I overlook them and continue on with my parenting. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

Here are some of the ideas we use: Feel free to add your own.

Tips for parenting in public

  • You know your child better than anyone else. If you know that he gets restless quickly or gets overexcited in a crowd or is cranky when he hasn’t had his afternoon nap, plan your outings taking all these factors into consideration.

  • Lay down the rules before you leave. If you’re taking your child shopping, tell him that he’s only allowed to buy one book or toy and this is not negotiable under any circumstances.
  • Equip yourself to keep your child entertained. Carry some toys, crayons, coloring books, etc. with you so that your child is kept occupied and won’t think of throwing tantrums.

  • Make your child feel included by giving him the right to decide certain things like what you should see first at the aquarium or which ride you should go on.
  • At the first sign of restlessness, take your child out for a break. Don’t wait till he is miserable and crotchety.


  • The minute he misbehaves, tell him that you understand that he must be tired and fed up, but remind him firmly about the rules you had agreed upon at home.
  • Be prepared to leave as a last resort. Once you have decided to leave, don’t let your child dissuade you even if he promises to behave.

Don’t forget to compliment him for good behavior.- Till next time, QC Supermom

Friday Four:Thanksgiving strategies for gratitude

Thanks Giving  as always is a great time to focus on being thankful. As the parents of 7 adolescents, my husband, Rag, and I generally alternate between pride and dismay at their behavior. Mostly we get to see the good stuff, I’m glad to say. But lately the scales have begun to tip toward disappointment in one area. Amen, 3 and TeHun, 2, seem to appreciate the big things we give them . But their day-to-day comments have started sounding increasingly demanding and — I hate to say it — entitled:

“Mom, I need my juice!

“Ewww, that looks disgu

sting. I’m not eating it.”

“I’m not going. You can’t make me.”

“NO! NO! Leave me alone!”

On the other hand, these might just be the lines of the treble two’s and his natural desire to test his ring pass not.

Adolescence on the other hand are certainly a crazy time for both parents and teenagers. But it doesn’t have to be unpleasant.

I don’t expect my younger sons to be selfless saints, but I’d like to see my daughters and older son to understand how fortunate they are and to recognize the contributions that other people (including Rag) make to their lives. We already say grace, albeit speedily, before meals. 

But  I’ve also been reminded that some gratitude interventions—practices that researchers design to increase gratitude in individuals—don’t always work for everyone.  In fact, several prominent gratitude studies have shown that for some people, consciously practicing gratitude (in certain prescribed ways) actually doesn’t make them feel more grateful. But I’ll venture forth to say that I want mine to practice it regularly.

If you have been imparting good values to your children they will stay with him for the rest of his life.  During adolescence, “(they) may have put them (your values) in cold storage……..but they’re there and they will reappear in time” worries for you. 

Children need to see us being grateful for what we have. Tell them, “I am so grateful to have you in my life.” If that is too corny for you, you can say, (when they come home from school), “It is good to see you.”Here are a few more tips that we use to teach our children the value of  gratefulness:

  • Let them see you saying thank you to the postman, the store clerk, and your friends.
  • Let them see you and your spouse thank each other. Thank your spouse for making dinner, for taking out the garbage, cleaning a clogged drain or for making the phone call to Aunt Ethel, something you really didn’t want to do.
  • Don’t complain about all the things you don’t have.
  • Enjoy the beauty around you and point it out to your children. Sunsets, the sun shining on the snow, laughing babies and blossoming trees.

Check out Madea’s best parenting clip.  (You’ll LOVE It!)                 Till next time! -QC Supermom

Wednesday Wow: Thanksgiving Eve 2012

It’s 1:29 am………and I’m Still up counting my blessings!

Right now, it’s technically Thanksgiving Eve. Noah, my 5 month old is lying here with his mouth wide open while he is knocked out in my lap. So it seems most fitting to take a run for an almost Wordless Wednesday post.

Why almost you ask? Because I’m a blogger and that what we do. So grab a cup of green tea and get cozy!

My Wednesday Affirmation-

“I deserve and now am thankful for all my blessings even those that don’t feel like blessings and I now find the lesson therein. I use my ‘so-called’
failures as wonderful, extraordinary fertilizer for my many successes. I am happy and fulfilled to the good of all parties concerned. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

Now time to count my blessings, well most of them.

I have 9 children. 8 Living I love each and every one of them! Such amazing spirits in 
each of them! God must LOVE me!

My father showed me what to look for in a man, husband, father and friend! Who knew the same 2 would be the ones t drives me to my wits end!!

After all, every mom needs one great friend to share a bottle of wine with! Right?

GMO Free Food. I am so grateful to be able to share nutritious food with my family.

OK, Ok, OK, I’ve been slacking int his area HOWEVER, we are talking about things we are thankful for. I am thankful, for the ability to workout. I miss it so much and will get back to its on. In the mean time, I should get brownie points for ensuring my children gets plenty of it! I think SO!

to watch a great role model for my children, royal family that representing my country, and the president for the 47% & other 3 %.

The Review of The Rise Of The Guardians

A movie themed play date, how cute!

Last week we had the best play date. Instead of making color with food items and then create works of art with our hands, we explored The Rise of the Guardians.

We gathered 12 of our most creative kids and turned them loose with crayons, pencils, coloring sheets and tattoos. Guess what? They loved it! We threw in a couple of trailors from the movie. 

Our goal was to get them familiar with the characters before actually watching the upcoming screening. Once we got to the movies it proved to work as we planned! They stayed on the edge of their seats, following the scenes zap by zap and hope by hope. It was funny to see how tight a few of the 2 year olds were holding their toy elves.

Not only did they recognize each character in this epic 3D movie, but even the more fierce parts were less intimidating for them because they already knew the good guys from the bad ones.

Parents view: 

We parents loved the music, the message of self-discovery, common day relevance, and even the music was exciting! This is not your regular 3D movie. It’s a wonderful film for our children, teaching them that positive thought and cheerfulness gets you . Every moment was beautiful to look at and you get lost in the saga of Jack Frost, Father Christmas, The Sandman, Easter Bunny and The tooth fairy. If you are like us,you will feel happy that these characters actually exist for your little ones. You will be taken into caves, window tops, fighting a greyhound and painting eggs, collecting teeth etc. Yes, a must see it is! 

Teens View:

Santa was cool! We’ve never seen an Easter Bunny like that before and the Tooth Fairy, she was beautiful.Seems like I’ve seen Jack Frost before. He was a regular guy with super powers-coooool! Bottom line, nothing beats a great 3D movie with awesome characters!

See our V-log

 On November 21st, be sure to go see it after your Thanksgiving dinner!  Till next time- QC Supermom

Friday Four: D and Cassie are UNCC 49érs Ball Kids!

There are really only two plays: Romeo and Juliet, and put the darn ball in the basket.
Abe Lemmons

My girls are growing up!! They are both Ball Kids for UNC 49érs! Those student athletes put on a good family event, and I’m sure they would LOVE to see more moms and small kids supporting them.

Here 4 reasons to attend  a womens -student athlete college basketball game with your daughter!

1. The girls/players benefits from seeing moms there. Think about it, these kids come from all over the world. Seeing a motherly face is comforting. At best it reminds them that although their moms aren’t there, she’s thinking of them and even over the miles providing them with unconditional love, support and encouragement.

To be a team, you must be a family.

I’ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don’t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.
Michael Jordan

2. It will increase the chances of your child being taller!* SERIOUSLY!  All physical
activity and excercise stimulates growth. 🙂
However, we are still limited by our genetics. If you have short genes,
you’ll still end up short, just not quite as short as you would have been
without regular excercise. (It hasalso been said to help build self-esteem and actually save girls’ lives. )

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships.
Michael Jordan

3. Basketball doesn’t build character it reveals it. Let your girl(s) see how young ladies can be competitive yet respectful. They’ll see them exercising, laughing,communicating, working together…’s loaded with life lessons. Young people need models, not critics.

4. Relax! Use that time as a stress reliever! Enjoy the moment. Most games are just $5 for adults and $2 for kids. There’s NOTHING like live entertainment.

The half time entertainment was awesome!

Wednesday Wow: Rise Of The Guardians Play date

Rise Of The Guardians

Our STEAM play date this week will include a play session with goodies from the new movie Rise of the Guardians!

It will give our lil ones a chance to enjoy a spin on some of the best child hood movies ever. Then on Saturday, let’s pile them upin the mini van for a early family movie in South Charlotte!

Feel free to join usfor a private screening or wait to see it in theaters on the 21st . (You can watch the trailer here!)

If you’re not familiar with the story, it  revolves around the rebellious Jack Frost (Chris Pine) teaming up with other mythical figures North aka Santa Claus (Alec Baldwin), E. Aster Bunnyman aka Easter Bunny (Hugh Jackman), Tooth aka The Tooth Fairy (Isla Fisher), and the Sandman to battle the evil Pitch (Jude Law).  Here’s a summary

When an evil spirit called Pitch becomes bent upon taking over the world by inspiring fear in the hearts of kids everywhere, a group of our greatest heroes — Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, the Sandman and Jack Frost — band together for the first time, determined to stand in Pitch’s way. (Private screening this weekend for free- see QC SuperMom on facebook!

See the awesome goodies we have to share at Thursday’s playdate!

Here’s more info about tomorrows play date

I can’t wait to share to love of science, technology, engineering and art with our babies. It’s so much fun!

My husband the Veteran

Happy Veterans Day!

Unless you live under a rock, you know that today is Veterans Day. Yes another day for the kids to hang out with you! 🙂 This federal holiday was set aside to salute and celebrate  men and women who have served or are serving in the military.  But did you know that its when the fighting of World War I officially ended in the eleventh hour, on the eleventh day of the eleventh month, in 1918.

My husband is a veteran. We had all day to come up with ways to thank him for his service to protect, and serve our country. We had many ideas but ended up with burnt cabbage, veggie loaf, Mac & Cheese with green tea. For dessert he had Cassies Cake pops, she made him a mango rum and classic yellow with french vanilla frosting.

He said that he didn’t want to go into any restaurant because, we wanted to save money & he would take everyone. But for those who did enjoy the numerous establishments that were offering free meals/other deals. Lucky you!

Online, I seen these:

Sleep Number is giving retired and active duty military personnel free travel pillows through Nomber 20th, 2011.

Deals for Monday, November 12, 2012

California Pizza Kitchen: Click HERE for all the details.

Golden Corral: Click HERE for all the details.

O’Charley’s:  Click HERE for all the details.

“The FREE Bloomin’ Onion® and Coca-Cola® promotion.  In addition, Military Personnel with any of the foregoing forms of identification, will receive 10% OFF their entire guest check (excluding alcohol, applicable taxes and gratuity) November 13 – December 31, 2012.” Click HERE for all the details.

Sheetz:   Click HERE for all the details.

Texas Roadhouse: Click HERE for all the details.

Texas Steakhouse and Saloon:  Click HERE for all the details.

T.G.I. Friday’s:  Click HERE for all the details.

Lowes Home Improvement and Home Depot: A few sites have mentioned that Lowes and Home Depot will be offering a 10% discount for veterans and active military.

One last one for the brides to be-

If you or your fiance has been deployed with the military you might be eligible for a free wedding dress

Wednesday Wow: A lovely Day-We have him again

This election was the BEST one EVER for me. Not only did I get to share it with my daughters I wasn’t pregnant! Instead of writing about our fantastic evening at the Election Watch Party, at Dilworth Grille in Charlotte NC..  I’ll do one of the wordless post. Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed sharing it!

Deanna 13, Cassie 12, Noah 5 months and I arrived at 7:30pm. ( The poles closed at 7:30 as well)

It was catered and hosted by the Mecklenburg County Democratic Party, but we were too hungry to wait for the food to arrive. We ordered our own dinner! Their wings were pretty good! Cassie is now a vegetarian so she just had veggies and pastries.The girls are currently homeschooled. This election made for a PERFECT lesson on politics. They got busy right away interviewing and engaging. There’s Brigette Mack from our local news.

That’s Jennifer Roberts! She had her family there also. My girls ask her 3 questions. One of which was what was she like at 12 /13 yers old- she answered a book owrm. Cassie smiled at that one becasue the is where she is right now. She’s always in a e-book!

By now, I’m thinking bringing them was a great decision! They could not be in a better place than her watching history unfold! Good luck on the next run Jen! Thank you for your time with my girls!

FOX News got a bit of them too. They are too proud of themselves!

As the night progressed, we met even more people! Vilma Leake is Velma Leake. Such an intrestimg woman she is. She is a retired teacher  from Independence High. She’s known as a great woman who reminded her students every Friday to “go to church on Sunday” and “watch 60 minutes”. She had a son that past a few years ago. Last night she secured her District 2 seat (she had no competition:))

Everyonce in a while I was able to peek at my girls. I wanted them to mingle but not get into anyones way.
Afterall, they are still very young! So back to the dinner/seats they returned! Waiting for them were steady cheers with each state conquered.

Can you sense the excitment?

Another one of my mom’s from the sahm group was there with her family. “Chance & “Max” were getting a bit tired as the night progressed. Then they ANNOUNCED THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES! hot diggetty dog! It was on! Hugs , Yells & dancing was allover the place! (My favorite is here!)

-A Lovely Day by Bill Withers   Everyone was so happy! history was was made & I shared it with my daughters!

O V E R J O Y E D !                   E X C I T E D !        R E J U V I N A T E D!       E M P O W E R E D !

The energy in that place was unbeleiveable! No colors, no profiling, no bickering…….just joy!


I trust my President, but believe in God. To me it didn’t matter who won. I was just happy to share it with my daughters.  This year my son was able to vote and guess what, he too was concerned about the economy, health care and education. The availability of scholarships for his siblings were reasons he did an absentee ballot.  Other wise, he said that he wouldn’t have taken the time. Ok, I’ll take that………he still voted & I’m happy that he took the time to think about the issues and to make a move where it counts.

Although California didn’t choost to protect their food with GMO labeling. I’m satisfied with the results of this 2012 election.  Now…….time to PARTY UPSTAIRS with WGIV’s K-Fox!

As a mom, my job is tireless work.  Yet I’ll remain  inspired. Life moves so fast, and it’s easy to get swept up in the next issue, the next problem, the next step in life.  Right now it’s time to regain focus. You can do it!

Let’s get busy! There so much work to do!- QC Supermom

Here’s a couple more pictures from  the election party

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They say our nation is a mess. Why would the be?

(FYI- I used JA to help in my girls lesson plan last month about money, try it on your kids)