The Sweet 16 Book

Yesterday, I had 2 (two) 15 year olds today, I have 2 (two) 16 year olds. QC Supermom Sweet 16They are a year apart, but one girls birthday is the 22, the other is the 27th and the third daughter – another year apart birthday is the end of next month.  They have been cooking for years. Which is a great life long skill. So this part of her Sweet 16 Book is easy.

What is the  “Sweet 16 Book?” It’s the mega life hack book for all  teen girls. The purpose of this book is to ensure that I haven’t missed anything in my mission in preparing them for adulthood. I want their future husband, employees, and friends to view them as a blessing and not look at me crossed eyes for sending them out the house ignorant and useless.Also the goal is to answer the question what else is there to know beside your left and right turn signals from the drivers testing booklet.

Today I’m covering RECIPES:

These recipes will make them look good at any dinner party. First up is easy,

40zChinese Fried Rice


  • 1 Cup Cooked Brown Rice
  • 1½ Cups Frozen Peas and Carrots
  • 1 Medium Onion diced
  • 2 TBS Olive Oil
  • 1 TBS Garlic Powder
  • ¼ Cup Soy Sauce
  1. Sautee diced onion in the olive oil until onions are cooked through.
  2. Add in frozen peas and carrots and cook until warm throughout.
  3. Add in rice and let it sizzle for about 2 minutes on each side before stirring.
  4. Sprinkle in garlic powder and soy sauce.
  5. Serve hot.

Recipe Two –4o0z

Turkey Sausage Jambalaya Recipe
  • 1 Green Bell Pepper chopped
  • 4 Cloves Fresh Garlic chopped (about ¼ cup)
  • 2 Medium Sweet Onions chopped
  • 2 Medium Tomatoes chopped
  • 1 Package Polska Kielbasa Turkey Sausage chopped into ¼ inch pieces.
  • 2 Cups Brown Rice
  • 2 Cups Chicken Broth
  • 3 Cups Water
  • 1 TBS Chili Powder
  • 1 8oz Can Tomato Sauce
  • 1 TBS Oregano, Pink Salt & Pepper
  • 1 TBS Butter
  1. Melt the butter.
  2. Add in chopped green pepper, onion, and garlic.
  3. Sautee pepper, onion, and garlic for about 5 minutes or until onion starts to turn clear.
  4. Add in chili powder, oregano, salt, pepper, tomatoes, and your favorite Polska turkey sausage.
  5. Sautee for 10 minutes. Pour in chicken broth, water, tomato sauce, and rice.
  6. Bring to a boil and cook on medium heat until rice is tender and liquid has completely evaporated.

// // // // // // // // // // // // // Southern Black Eyed Peas40oz// // // //


  • 12 oz bag of frozen black eyed peas
  • 2 Cups chicken stock
  • Small onion diced
  • 1 TBS butter
  • ¼ Cup cubed turkey bacon
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp vinegar


  1. Combine all ingredients into a pot and bring to a boil.
  2. Once boiling, lower the heat and simmer for 45 minutes.

Enjoy, QCSupermom

Sesame Street Live: Make a New Friend Review

Sesame Street Live: Make a New Friend introduces Grover’s friend Chamki, who is visiting from India. Grover has only one day to spend with her and wants to make it special, so he’s made a long list of all the things he wants to do. Of course, he’s listed more things than they could possibly accomplish in one day – and Chamki just wants to spend time with him and his friends.


The newest show from Sesame Street Live, “Make a New Friend” is playing at the Bojangles Arena through May 25th 2015. The show is fun, upbeat, and makes for a fun family outing in the QC! Sesame Street Live andCharlotte Best Mom blogger

I grew up watching – and loving – Sesame Street as a child. I know it taught me so many things – and I love being able to share the experience with my kids as well.

Attending Sesame Street Live always feels like a bit of a reunion with my own childhood, and it makes it all the more special to be able to see my kids smile, laugh and dance along with some of my old friends.

One of my the boys, favorite parts is when Chamki, Grovers friend teaches them a special Indian dance, which they all perform together at the end of the show. But in the meantime, Grover feels a little lost and left out when things don’t go as he had planned.

Sesame Street Live: Make a New Friend is a lesson in being a friend. We learn that even if we’re different, we can still enjoy spending time together. Even grownups can use a reminder like that every now and then.

Tehun LOVES elmoTeHun party 10-9-2014 12-00-19 AMtehun look here 7-14-2014 6-21-54 PM

As you can see, we are die-hard Elmo family! My youngest boys were the lucky ones for this trip.The older ones went previous years with me. I think they regret not coming, based on all the questions they asked when we got back home. Anyhoots, it was a great night and I encourage you to see the show before it leaves Charlotte this Sunday! Everyone will love it!

A little bit about the show from

Sesame st- Make A New Friend and QC SupermomRemaining Showtimes:

Bojangles’ Coliseum Tickets

2700 E Independence Boulevard,  Charlotte,  NC  28205

Sunday May 24th 2015  2PM

<Buy Them Here!>

Not near Charlotte, check here to see when Sesame Street Live will be coming to your area here.  You can also connect with Sesame Street Live on  Facebook and Twitter.

Big family blogger in Charlotte

DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure policy.


Untrue, it really is, let's talk about it!

Untrue, it really is, let’s talk about it!

the cliques

People are creatures of habit, and the habits you pick up early in life often carry through to adulthood.

If you would have asked me last month what I thought about cliques, I would have said something like “NOT FOR ME!” During high school and college, I made it my mission to stay away from them. I felt that like they were cruel, snotty, and ambiguous. They served no real purpose other than to make someone else feel less significant. Even the definition sounds ignorant. Clique:  klēk,klik/noun

 plural noun: cliques
  • a small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them.
    Now think how it would work if it was the reformed. Something a little smarter, it would work for everyone!

    As a work from home mom…. it gets lonely, frustrating and even depressing when you feel like no one is rooting for you or supporting you. Getting likes feel like pulling teeth. No one refers your business to others that may fit your target market, even fruitless like ladders, in spite of the your thoughtful actions you’ve shown others. I know, I know…. and the list goes on and on. Delivering a high-quality, unique product or service to the marketplace sometimes takes a lot of people.

    Bad enough that you are home with the kid(s) and want to bring a financial blessing to the family, doing something that you really think that you’re good at, BUT to get from point A to point B, you gotta have someone that believes in you so much that they insist on bring you up with them. Reformed cliques can set a great precedence for overall professional camaraderie and teamwork. That what I’m talking about. This type of unshackled coterie isn’t just empowering for you, it’s sanctions good will to everyone you come in contact with. It’s because you are not just committed to your clique, you’re just as committed to finding ways to bring value to them! That will make you go outward and make bold as brass moves knowing that you have support. I can’t imagine a better way for children to see their stay /work from home mom.

    quote-Lucy-Hale-i-dont-really-believe-in-cliques--130057_3 May all belong to an amazing supportive, innovated, integrated, smart, strategic clique!

Friday Four: What Type Of Mom Are You?

I am a Care-free Diplomatic Mom. And it works for me.Fun blogger mom In Charlotte I do have fun with my children. Although they have a firm bedtime, I watch them while they are asleep and look forward to seeing them each morning bright eyes and bushy tailed. Even the one in college, I look forward to our regular texts, face-time calls and third party messaging. (Thank Goodness for technology right?!)

Well, now that I know what type of mom I am, (after 23 years) I now understand my norms.Even my new self indulgence of sweet red wine was coined as normal. I know that I’m nothing fancy, just a fun, supportive mom. And that’s okay with me. My results went on to say that:

You are “The Carefree Diplomat Mom!”

As The Carefree Diplomat Mom, you’re able to act as mediator as well as be creative and interactive with your children. Chances are you encourage child-led activities, but aren’t averse to jumping in and playing, too.

Pro: You’re fair and just and will use discipline when needed, but encourage your child to work things out on her own.

Con: Be sure to assert yourself as the adult. Carefree Diplomat Moms may forget to separate themselves from their children, creating confusion as to just who’s in charge.


PopSugar said that I’m

An Outstanding Mom

Looks like we found the “No. 1 Mom.” You always put the needs of your children (and even your partner) before your own. Sometimes this stresses you out, but most of the time you manage to keep calm. Because you know it’s all worth it just to hear your kids say they love you.

Want to package yourself for a elevator pitch of summary to put on your new mommy cards? Well here you go. my girls
PICK one!
PopSugar was the fastest one.

Which Disney Mom Are You Most Like? This one was really fun to do   

I got – Emily, Andy’s Mom ;Imaginative and extremely hard-working, you are most like Andy’s Mom, Emily from “Toy Story”! Your heart swells with the love of your children even as you read this, and even moreso when you realize just how much of yourself you see in them. Whether by strong genetics or a beautiful relationship, you have at least one child that is YOU made over, and for better or worse you consider it a dream come true. You’ve always cherished youth and encourage creativity and imagination in your family – wouldn’t have it any other way!

my 4 boys

I’m almost embarrass to share my results from all of these sites, but they are so cute. I’m sorry. Here’s just one more from Mother-Styles–  (This is another great one too!)

Your type is: ENTP  —The “Independence” Mother

“When I held my babies, I always faced them outward so they could take in the world.”

  • Full of energy and confident in her own self-sufficiency and competence, the ENTP mother encourages her children—as a role model and as a teacher—to be independent and confident on their own in the world.
  • A “big picture” person, she points out options and possibilities along the way. Objective and logical as well, the ENTP wants her children to evaluate their choices and learn from the consequences of their own decisions.
  • The ENTP mother is resourceful and action-oriented. She likes going places and doing things with her children, exploring all that life has to offer. She is less concerned with rules, routines, and schedules. Introducing her children to new concepts and activities, challenging them, and stimulating their intellectual development are top priorities.

I think these were on the mark! Something else I learned is that I am a great mom and it’s okay to be so.It has taken me many years to get comfortable as a mom of NINE. Call it serendipity, but I know that progressive motherhood  is my destiny! I absolutely LOVE it! To learn more about quiz models, click –> HERE<–  –> Spanking? Use Mamma Spit? See THIS <—-SaMya T. Pressley Scott -my angel

Till next time,

Have a GREAT mommy day! I will!

Friday Four: When to send your plate back to the kitchen

You LIVED and planned for Friday, Mother’s Day weekend. At the same time you know that you are presenting a gift as valuable as what you are expecting (your time and money) But there is a disconnect!


Here’s what happened:

You and your husband are sitting in a chain restaurant. The waiter approaches and ask what will you have to drink. Since you’ve already waited 20 minutes just to be seated with the menu, you already know what you want to eat. Your meal is different from your husbands, so you ask that the salad is brought out when his food is ready. All is well as you sip your lemon water, and begin to chat, relax and you know, people watch. (what else do you do when there are no kids to tame?)

bad service

30 more minutes passed and a lop sided salad arrives for you and nothing for your husband. You swiftly ask, “Why is this here? It should come out with everything else. I don’t want to eat before my husband.” The waiter didn’t have an answer. He responds, “I don’t know. I told them to hold it when I went back there.” …Yes, I know. That isn’t an answer.

So here’s how it actually ended: With it being  7:40 pmish’, I knew that I was going out later,so I reserved a lot of my calories. I was hungry,and tired of watching my clock. Once I showed the disappointment in my face, the worn out manager approaches. He too comes with a lame excuse. His reasoning included the fact that one of our orders came from a grill and it took longer. Come on……. (Did they teach him that in management 101?) After he dismissed himself with a “It will be out shortly,” I decided it was time for me to leave.   That was not the place that I wanted my money to be invested in. I do not want to convey in any why they I accepted how they handled this situation. We went across the street to Chilli’s, got seated, served, and receipted within 45 mins AND we saved money!

I used to carry around fake bills (obviously fake, like monopoly or those bills that say "haha, fooled you" on them) for bad waiters.

I used to carry around fake bills (obviously fake, like monopoly or those bills that say “haha, fooled you” on them) for bad waiters.

We ended the night perfectly with Ex Machina, which I though was a good movie. But that’s a whole other blog post! For now, check out my 4 top reasons to leave  or send your food back to the chef.  

1. When it comes to your table like it has made by your 4 year old. Most states have the “law of Merchantibility”: states and product sold must meet minimum requirements for what it is advertised at.

2. When the manager makes excuses for awful service. (He’s not working for tips, what gives?)

3. When the menu have nothing that you REALLY want to eat, AND it’s more than you would normally to pay. (My boys lemonade stand is more impressive!)

4. Leave if you get a chance to see the manger and he looks like he just pulled a double. Chances are he’s overworked/underpaid and overwhelmed.

Complain on the spot to the waiter or waitress. If they don’t sort it out, ask to speak to the manager and tell them why you are unhappy. The restaurant may offer to reduce the bill or give you a complimentary drink but you can’t refuse to pay the bill because the service was poor.


See more:

Respect Your Money, it has fueling power!

Bad Service at a Restaurant: What Would You Do?

Restaurant Rights:

 Bad service/food, what can you do?

How often do you complain in a restaurant?

We don’t eat out too often, but when we do we go to a place we know has good food and good service. It’s too expensive to spend all that money on something just to end up disappointed. Speak up with your dollars & have a great weekend ya’ll!

Wednesday Wow! Hey WFHM, that babysitter is deductible!

“I’m a work from home mom and I hire a babysitter for meetings at home and away.I want to know if those expenses are deductible.”

QC Tracy and qcsm

Short ANSWER: YES! Keep your receipts and file them for ChildCare  at tax time. In fact, you may qualify for $3,000 in tax credits for one dependent, and a maximum of $6,000 for two dependents or more.

I have been asked this numerous times during tax season and by mothers that have decided to work from home. So I figured if I placed it here, moms could verify it against what the IRS says, save me time from repeating myself and I bring more traffic to my humble blog.  (Yes, who doesn’t love them THREE’fers)

Okay, so how to get the credit: 

The credit has a number of technical rules. For instance, in cases involving divorce, the custodial parent can take the credit, while noncustodial parents can’t, even if they would otherwise qualify to treat the child as a dependent.


In Charlotte and looking for a certified sitter? Contact The Big Sister! CLICK HERE!

In Charlotte and looking for a certified sitter? Contact The Big Sister! CLICK HERE!


To claim the child and dependent care credit, you must meet these requirements:

  • You and your spouse must usually file as married filing jointly. (See Filing Exceptions below.)
  • You must provide the care so you (and your spouse, if married) can work or look for work.
  • You must have some earned income. If you’re married and living together, both you and your spouse must have earned income. However, one spouse might be disabled or a full-time student at least five months of the year.

Even if you’re not married filing jointly, you and your spouse might be able to claim the credit. You must meet both of these requirements:

  • You paid more than half the cost of maintaining a household for the year. Both you and the qualifying person must have used the home as your main residence for more than half the tax year.
  • Your spouse wasn’t a member of the household during the last six months of the tax year.

You must provide the name, address and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) of the person who provided the care. The taxpayer ID number is either a Social Security number (SSN) or an Employer Identification Number (EIN). Ask your care provider for the number.- KP Tax Service

Qualifying persons

To claim a credit for qualified expenses, you must provide care for one or more qualifying persons. (See Qualified Expenses below.) Qualifying persons include:

  • Dependent who’s a qualifying child and under age 13 when you provide the care. Usually, you must be able to claim the child as a dependent to receive a credit. However, an exception applies for children of divorced or separated parents. In those situations, the child is the qualifying child of the custodial parent for purposes of this credit. This applies even if the noncustodial parent claims the child as a dependent.
  • Spouse or dependent of any age who’s both of these:
    • Physically or mentally incapable of self-care
    • Has the same main home as you do when you provide the care

Qualified expenses Child-Care-Inforaphic

 Don’t forget those expenses that cover household services, such as housekeeping, while you work or search for work, also count toward the credit if the services were necessary in part for child care.-KP Tax Service

Qualified child- or dependent-care expenses are those you incur while you work or look for work. The main purpose of the expenses must be for the well-being and protection of a qualifying person.

Qualified expenses include:

  • Expenses for care provided outside the home. This applies if the qualifying person regularly spends at least eight hours each day in your home.

If the qualifying person receives the care in a dependent-care center, the center must comply with all relevant state and local laws. A dependent-care center is one that cares for more than six people for a fee.

  • Expenses for in-home care. This includes expenses for:
    • Cooking
    • Light housework related to the qualifying individual’s care
    • The care itself
  • Gross wages paid for qualified services, plus your portion of:
    • Social Security
    • Medicare
    • Federal unemployment taxes
    • Other payroll taxes paid on the wages
    • Meals and lodging for the employee providing the services

These expenses don’t qualify for the child and dependent care credit:

  • Transportation costs to and from the childcare facility
  • Overnight camp expenses
  • Expenses for the education of a child in kindergarten or higher
  • Expenses for chauffeur or gardening services

The cost of before- or after-school programs might qualify if the program is for the care of the child. Education costs below kindergarten qualify if you can’t separate those costs from the cost of care. This includes nursery school.

  child careCalculating the credit

The credit is equal to 20%-35% of qualified expenses. The percentage you can deduct depends on your adjusted gross income (AGI). The maximum amount of qualified expenses you’re allowed to calculate the credit is:

  • $3,000 for one qualifying person
  • $6,000 for two or more qualifying persons

Complete Form 2441: Child and Dependent Care Expenses and attach it to your Form 1040 to claim the credit. For more details,  check out KP Tax Service. It’s mom owned and ran. With over a decade of experience.

FOR BABYSITTER/NANNYS HOUSEKEEPERS I’ll share more details on how to file your taxes and keep your business legal next week. In the mean time, here’s HOW to file your taxes-> READ THIS- HERE…

Hope this helps!

Kelle, QC Supermom


other 2


Racing to health

TehunThe African Children’s Project

The Run Wild 5K and Wild Child Fun Run is a race to benefit children who have been orphaned as a direct result of the HIV/AIDS pandemic in Africa. All proceeds help support a community-based, family-style home in Kenya that will provide compassionate, holistic, long-term care for orphans.

Not only will this home allow children who have been marginalized to live lives free of exploitation and abuse, but it will enable them to regain a sense of belonging, value, and purpose. Join us for a competitive run or a leisurely walk, and positively impact a child’s life in a way you never dreamed possible.  boys 1st 1K run

Team QC Super Tribe

I’m sure everyone had their reason for wanting to participate. This run was special to me because not only was it Mother’s Day weekend, it was also what would have been my daughters 21st birthday and I have recently began a routine I will use races to begin my spring/summer fitness – I know sorta weird but it works for me!

” I was so impressed with the Run Wild event today that I wanted to share. The atmosphere of the race was very warm, inviting and family friendly. My son’s fun run was only $10 but he got an engraved medal, t-shirt and a mini-carnival. I left feeling like a part of a community..and am seriously trying to find out how to donate to the African Children’s Project charity.” – Kingston’s mommie, Charlotte NC 2015

QC Super tribe cover 5-9-2015

Time to Run Wild! Get More information at Be sure to mention that QC SuperMom sent you! They would love to hear that! Want to see more pictures from the event —–> CLICK HERE<——

Wednesday Wow: Being Happy on Mother’s Day

We all want to be happy on Mother’s Day. But for many of us, this type of happiness is an elusive, fleeting state that we can capture only for a brief moment,if at all.



Instead of feeling bad about not having a child, mother or positive relationship with either (or both if they are living.) Well I have news for YOU!

The person you most admire, or envy, is showing you the “highlights reel” in their lives. Think about it. Can someone be ecstatic 24/7? The answer is NO. My family has a healthy 75/25 joy ratio. For me, sharing our great times together is my way of encouraging them to keep up the great work and inspire others that may wonder if such a LARGE family can be productive. The bad things will never be shared. There’s no logical reason for it.

“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When things look dark, we can all use a simple reminder of what is truly important. It’s Your piece of mind. ” The Jones” should inspire you, not cause you to envy. Here’s my confession: 

At least once a month, I WISH my mom and oldest daughter was still alive.

I used to get very sad thinking about why they had to leave when they did. My daughter passed 3 days before my birthday at 11 years old. My mom a year later. I began to compare her absence with other girls her age and would question, what would she had been like. I would do the same with my mom. I would fantasize her  driving up to our home enjoying her grandkids as she had the older ones. After going into a deep thought, I bring myself to accepting that they were gone in the form I wanted them in. I realized that getting  past those thoughts would allow me to enjoy my other 8 children, as well as their adopted community grand parents. Never a trade off- But it was something I had to accept and grow from.


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” ― Oprah Winfrey


Being able to do so has allowed for peace and other great moments with my family. Today, people ask,, “Why do you smile so much?” I answer quickly, ” I have no reason not too.” So in closing, if this Mother’s Day find you in the dump, snap out your note book and write your blessings down. Look to them to pull forward your joy and build a foundation for more greatness.

“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” ― Pearl S. Buck

Easier said than done you said? Well, you never know unless you try. What do you have to loose by choosing happiness?   Remember, “It isn’t what you have or who you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”


Be Happy With What You Have!

QC Supermom

Have A Great Mother’s Day Weekend Everyone!!!



“Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have.” 

Friday Four: Thoughtful Mother’s Day Gifts

we did that mom and sonFeel free to enjoy these simple yet thoughtful Mother’s Day gifts for yourself to your loved ones. The great thing about  this holiday is that the role of mother is played by aunts, grand-moms, neighbors, nannies, step moms, and even Mother-in Laws, so pitch every one including yourself. These four ideas capture some of my best times of motherhood with and with out my babies. Check them out! You’re welcome to come back and tell me how it went. I’d love to hear about it!

1. Begin a fitness adventure! I wanted/and still desire to get fit. Most moms do. Why not give a gift of wellness? Think exercise coupons from more athletic family members.(Yeah, even the babies will do.)

2.  Make mom slow down and pamper herself. We simply don’t do it enough. Make dinner, take the kids out for dinner, or take her to get her feet done.

I refuse to hurt you by posting my feet online ANYWHERE.

I refuse to hurt you by posting my feet online ANYWHERE.

3. Mothers are arming themselves with the tools of social media and using their growing virtual power personally, commercially, and politically. Will the hands that rock the cradle finally rock the world? This year, help mom start a business! Start with something she’s really good at. I made this cookbook with my baby boys. It helps us fill in smaller expenses. Cooking with kids book

4. I have been showing my friends and family my videos and they are still laughing at me. But to my defense, I never grew up around large and assertive animals. While I appreciated the opportunities to see more of Gods incredible handy work. And oh how mighty it was!!! It was a memory that I will never forget and although my oldest son is to blame for my partial heart attacks, it was so worth it! Memories like this can’t be purchased!

Okay, there you go! No stress right? Can you do me a favor? Please share with a mom or mom lover, Some people need ideas. Sometimes it’s the little hints, that can help make a moms day.  Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much. Now go make mama happy and get busy! Happy Mother’s Day!