Friday Four: Is Your Birthday December 25th?

A lot of people are gonna hate me for this one. Some businesses will too, but it must be said. Christmas is not your child’s birthday, why do you struggle over one day? It completely defeats the spirit of the season.xmas

I had great Christmas as a child. My parents got us something every year. Not huge things, like a car or the latest sneakers but nice gifts. I remember my ET doll, the handheld Nintendo games, the Pretty Cut and Grow doll and  as I got older,  cash. Now ask me about my birthdays and I’ll tell you how special I always felt that one week in October! I’m so grateful they kept it in perspective for us.

With kids, it can be tricky and sometimes pointless to explain your budget, goals and situation. But you gotta do it. I’ve seen first hand how the good intentions of parents and other loved ones can quickly go bad. …… Yeeees, I’ll explain why.

1. Parents are teaching their children to be materialistic. If you are gonna shop, buy something they really need. Something that will make them a better person spiritually, educationally, nutritionally, physically, financially or even environmentally.

Give, Me Give Me Give Me. I know a parent that has one child. The child does no work in school or at home but trust and believe, that child has over $1200 in Christmas gifts coming to him. I asked why would you spend that much on him and he’s not doing the basic chores of being a child and the dad said because he’s my only son. After that comment, I reached for my glass of tea, like Kermit.’

2. Parents borrowing money to buy expensive gifts.  Would you believe that some parents take out loans for Christmas shopping? Showing love should never be so crippling. Debt is a form of slavery you know. slave

3 Are you really gonna give someone else credit for putting that huge smile on your child’s face? (I can’t do it. I work waaaaay to hard for that to happen)

4. You’re lying to your child.  There is no Santa! It’s ok,  to teach your children that charity begins at home.


Langston Paterson- from South L.A.

I already know that the in laws, aunts and uncles are gonna  buy them something.  When it happens, we will  graciously accept it. Then say, “I’m surprised by your present. We had agreed not to do this, so I don’t have one for you in return.” Thank you.”  Make sure not to buy the person a gift in return (until their birthday or if out and see something really affordable that hey need or like). Your word is your word; be true to it.

To me, Christmas is about spending quality time with my family, listening to the kids play and argue, cooking with my children and getting some extra sleep while the older kids and/ my husband take the smaller kids out.  All of the years that I spent buying Christmas gifts were not lost, it just took me time to evolve into appreciating time with my family as the most important gift that I could possibly receive and give them. (After loosing a daughter you realize that time is the most precious gift! )

It’s also about serving others in need. As a matter of fact, myself and a few awesome humans are going scarf bombing this weekend in a local park.  Wanna join us? CLICK HERE!111aaa

Happy Holidays everyone!

Jabela, QC Supermom


Operation Scarf Bombing In The QC!

It’s sweeping the country! Now it’s here in the Queen City! Scarf Bombing! Yes Charlotte, it’s our time to pay it forward with a good deed.

A few weeks ago, I had to pick my oldest daughter up from the transit around 9:30pm. My younger daughter was riding with me and she said “Ma, that guy is shivering on the bench. What do we have in here to give him?” Well, we didn’t have anything. But I promised her that  after we got her older sister back home, we would find him something to keep him warm. Once there, we picked up  that we use when we sit outdoors . It was one of our most compact blankets. We then zoomed back down Beatties Ford Rd. to give it to him. We were happy to see that he was still there and alive. He graciously accepted. No questions were asked or any words spoken during the warm, cozy ride back home. I was happy that she had a heart to care for someone else and I think she was happy to be a giver of something of value and much needed. Yet we knew there were others like him. Balled up in tents-cities’ and benches throughout the Queens City.

If you see a scarf wrapped around a tree nearby, here’s one possible explanation.

It’s called scarf bombing, similar to yarn bombing and it’s basically placing scarves or other knitted clothing around the city. Most have cards saying that the scarves aren’t trash, but instead donations for those who need them.  Scarf Bombing

There are reports from all around the nation including these from Oklahoma City to Jacksonville to Fort Wayne, Raleigh, NC. even in Ottawa, Canada and now Charlotte NC!

We even a Facebook event! Gloves, hats, and other warm items are also welcome for our operation on  December 14th. Our goal for the 1st year here in Charlotte is 100 scarfs*!  We will accept donations at 4 different locations in Charlotte if you can not attend. Those locations will be listed on the Facebook page. You may also contact me,directly at (704)756 9947 or message me at

Pioneer Square at night with downtown city lights with a homeless man sleeping on a park bench Seattle Washington State USA

Pioneer Square at night with downtown city lights with a homeless man sleeping on a park bench Seattle Washington State USA

It’s not exactly clear when the whole practice got started, but some sites suggest the scarves first started popping up in 2010. See how Michelle Chance-Sangthong Warms The Needy With Free Scarves. Now it’s on us!

We already have “Hallie” an awesome teen coordinator anxious to get started at her high school. Her mom shared: ” She’s excited and so am I. THANK YOU! You have no idea what a blessing this is for her right now.”

Come on Queen City, let’s show our  Southern Hospitality in the most meaningful way. Everyone that can help is encourage to do so in their own special way! Thanks in advance.

Jabela, QC Supermom

Chase the Chill of Central GA tied 144 scarves to trees for the taking.

Chase the Chill of Central GA tied 144 scarves to trees for the taking.