Capsaicin Cream Recipe

Did I tell you about my “40 by 40” mission? Okay, so here it is. This October, I will be 40. Clothes I loved from years back, I can’t get in them any more. It’s beginning to show in my face and I can’t suck it in anymore. Because of those reasons, I’ve been hitting the gym 5 days a week for a total of 13.5 hours a week. Well, it caught up with me last weekend. I was a mess. I couldn’t move my pelvic area from the front to buttocks. The pain was crippling to say the least.

But the Classes Were Fun! 1436022038506

As the organizer for Queens Fitness, I couldn’t miss a workout!  Sunday Night it came to an end. I was bedridden,broken, and bored! First thing I did was fast. The plan was to minimize trips to the bathroom.  I didn’t want to break anyone’s back either.. Needless to say, I loved the fact that had so many shoulders and hands to take care of me. Yet loathe being dependent.  I pulled out my phone and began to look for low toxic remedies. ( well, I actually call my local herbalist, but it took her too long to respond & I had already taken 2 store brand pain pills ) Here’s what I found:


 Capsaicin Relief  Recipe  –

 Capsaicin the substance that makes chile peppers hot, has been found to reduce pain in arthritis patients when topically applied repeatedly over several is weeks.  Researchers have found that it reduces substance P which is found at nerve endings and is involved in transmitting pain signals to the brain.

You will need…
-3 cups of grapeseed oil, or any other oil like almond, jojoba, or olive
-3 tablespoons of ground cayenne                                   -1/2 cup of beeswax
-3 tablespoons of turmeric                                                 -2 tablespoons of ground ginger
-A double boiler

Mix together 3 tablespoons of ground cayenne, 3 tablespoons of turmeric, and 2 tablespoons of ground ginger. Add this to 3 cups of grapeseed oil in a double boiler and stir until mixed thoroughly. Warm over medium heat for 5-10 minutes and then add in 1/2 cup of beeswax. Stir until the beeswax has melted completely and everything is blended together, and then remove from heat and chill in the refrigerator for 10 minutes. After 10 minutes take it out and whisk it together and then refrigerate for another 10, blending it once more at the end. Put in a glass jar with a tightly fitting lid in the refrigerator, where it will keep for 1 ½ weeks. Apply as needed for pain, but with this cream, rub in as much as you can and then let it dry before rinsing off. The turmeric will really stain. Important note on use!


  • about 1/2 cup coconut oil 
  • 1 1/4 cups finely grated, packed cocoa butter (I used a cheese grater)*
  • 2 tablespoons cayenne powder
  • 2 teaspoons ginger powder
  • 15 drops peppermint oil**
  • 15 drops eucalyptus oil
  • 8 drops clove oil***
  • 1 teaspoon arrowroot powder or non-GMO cornstarch (optional – reduces oily finish)

* If you prefer to skip grating and use weight to measure the total should be about 2 oz. THIS recipe came from ‘Massage By Denise’ -go there for the directions…


If you don’t want the little bits of spices in there, follow the steps below to get a smooth infused oil to use in the cream (this makes it easier to get absorbed.)
Mix together your oil and spices for whichever recipe you choose to do. Heat over medium heat in a double boiler for 15 minutes, and then remove it to cool and infuse for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, strain through a cheesecloth and reserve the infused oil. After it is strained melt the beeswax in a double boiler, and pour in the infused oil. Stir until blended thoroughly, and then follow the same steps for chilling, whipping, and storing as above.

Warning: These spices stain. Wear an apron or clothes you don’t mind putting at risk when making these.

And the classes will be fun again after I’m back on my feet! QueensFitness

The links is loaded with resources too-

Cayenne 1


Capsaicin Cream

Chemo Pops

Hope this proves to be a blessing for you as well. If so tell me about it!

QC Supermom

The Father’s Day Hunt

Every mom has been there before. It’s hours before Father’s Day and you have NOTHING to give as a gift. No time to panic! Pull it together and get those juices flowing is the mission for today!

Cassies sweetz king-of-duct-tape-fathers-day-cupakes

I haven’t asked the children what they want yet because they have been so busy helping me get better from this muscle spasm in my back and ovaries. But It just so happens that they are all away and that gives me time to brain storm via Pinterest, Google, and magazine for ideas!

So I’m looking for something

  • Reusabledads gifts in jars
  • Yummy
  • Funny
  • Simple

and most of all affordable!

I liked this key chain

1 (2)

He would wear this. it’s not to dressy or flashy. Just like my husband. Just as this T-shirt. Simple, Strong and really eye candy!  Now the children will also want to gift him. I have put together an entiredad_the_man_great_gift_for_fathers_day_tshirt-r8315cc44627e4c7bae74bb1529391fe5_vj7bu_324

Pinteret board for that. Starting with this cute idea here!

I think you have the idea!.Hopefully this will be another great celebration of our guy! He does so much for us and to not celebrate him on such a  thoughtful day is just selfish. Love is an action and we have an overabundance of it to share!

My Earthly Dad

With these three words,
“Dear Heavenly Father,”
I begin my every prayer,
But the man I see
While on bended knee
Is always my earthly dad.

He is the image
Of the Father divine
Reflecting the nature of God,
For his love and care
And the faith he shared
Pointed me to my Father above.

daddy and QC Supermom

Adios friends

QC Supermom

A letter to my mamas, from your doula

Dear Mama –

Thank for allowing me to server you and your family. I was your doula and I’ve always thought that, if I did my job well, then you would only remember how amazing YOU were when it was time to birth your baby.

Birth is hard work and I hate how our culture presents it as a nice, tidy little inconvenience.

But you went against that cultural norm and chose to birth your baby with the help of a midwife, with all of the pain, bodily fluids, doubt, and triumph that come along with choosing that path.

You were beautiful. I know, I know … you hadn’t showered for two days and you threw up six times … but when you got to 8cm, there was a beautiful glow in your cheeks. … and beads of sweat on your lip.  I put a cool washcloth on your forehead, knowing that you were near holding your baby, knowing that there might still be a ton of work to do, and knowing that every moment would be worth it for you.

You frantically looked around and gasped “I can’t do this anymore.”

And I looked you in the eye and said, “You can do this. You are doing this. Don’t be afraid!”

And you believed me, as well you should have, because I was telling you the truth.

I knew the baby would be moving down with these powerful contractions as your cervix melted away.  And I told you “You’ll feel a lot of pressure, like you have to poop a bowling ball.”  And then, when that happened (the pressure, not the bowling ball!), you had a brief moment when the recognition of “Oh! This is what she was talking about!” passed over your face as the contraction faded away.

I didn’t tell you to push because your body knew damn good and well when it was time to move your baby from your womb to the outside world. And a few contractions (or maybe a few hours) after you’d been pushing, you said, “I think I’m pushing.”  “I know,” I said, “Just keep doing what you’re doing. It’s perfect.” If you were a mama who I did actually tell to push, know that there was a good reason for that.

You may have been in the water, or you may have been on the toilet, you may have been on your hands and knees, or the birth stool, or on your side, or standing up, or flat on your back.  If I look in my birth log at the day of your birth, I’ll remember which of these positions you were in and I’ll remember if it was because I asked you to get in that position or because that is where you instinctively went.

It matters to me where you were when your baby was born.

I remember that moment when we could clearly see the head. I love that your baby’s daddy thought that the top of the baby’s head, when we could see about three inches of it in diameter, was the whole head … and that as the rest of the head emerged his eyes were filled with tears and big as saucers. I remember after your baby’s head was born whether or not your baby turned to the left or to the right. I remember if your baby didn’t turn and I helped straighten the shoulders. I remember your baby coming fully into the world and the look on your face … I remember that in that moment, you became a mama – whether it was for the first time or the ninth time – relief and joy and sweat and sometimes tears intermingled.

I remember if I missed your birth, I remember if I was there three minutes or three days. I remember if we went to the hospital. Believe me when I tell you that I remember all of it.

I handed your baby up to you and just stepped back, always keeping an eye on the two of you. I tried to keep my mouth shut and let you discover your new little person on your own. I’m sorry if I chatted too much.  I sometimes am just so proud of mamas that I can’t contain myself. But I try hard to honor your space and the sacred-ness of new life.

I remember what your immediate postpartum was like, too. Really, I do. I talked to you about how babies process things about six times slower than we do and urged you to keep that in mind as you loved on your baby. And after a few hours, I tucked you into bed and went on my way.

You were beautiful and strong and tired and, I hope, proud.

I got to see you many times over the next six weeks. And after that last appointment, I got in my car and cried. I was so proud of you and so honored to have gotten to be a part of your life that I cried tears of joy, knowing that I may never see you or your precious baby again … but, for these brief months, I hope that I was all that you needed and dreamed of because YOU were all that I dreamed.

And my prayer for you as I drove away that day, “Oh Lord, please help her to remember that she CAN do it, that she IS doing it. Please help her to always remember that her doula said, “I was made for this”

Because I’m a doula, I revised it from the original version from Carrie Blake, CPM, LM

Queens Fitness: 30 Days of Fitness Bliss

I’m a big woman. I know that and it doesn’t take a double take to notice it. I hate that I allowed myself to get so out of shape.  After this month, I promise myself not to ever get this far out again. I still don’t understand how it all just sneaked on me …… I’m serious!

It’s so much easier to stay fit than to get back fit. I can’t let my children go through this! Time for action!! So last week I got busy.

QCSupermom and Kim 31 gifts

I gathered up 5 of Charlotte’s BEST female trainers, opened the doors to all of the women 18+ in the area to one of the cities best fitness studio, adding aromatherapy (REAL diffused essential oils), great parking and “Viola!”  I created something fit for a queen!

We were fortunate enough to be sponsored by Herbalife. They have the best aloe concentrate, herbal teas, other quality supplements. (I had to give that tasteful plug.)

My goal:   *Loose at least 40 lbs by Oct 28th

Here is the schedule:

Wednesday– Kinda Zumba Fitness 6:30P – 7:30P It’s Zumba with a lot of wild cards thrown in there.   Be warned, it’s a Hour Party! Lots of fun!

Thursday – Ashakti Wellness- w/ Asha for Gentle Yoga 6:45- 7:45 pm

Her touch goes to the soul. The stretches are familiar and just when you get comfortable in that pose she shoes you something new. Fantastic for pregnant moms, new exercisers and those needing a classic yoga with solid education behind it.

Friday- Home Workout w/ Catrena,The Fitness Fiend 11A -12P – she  offers fitness you can do easily at home and/ or with your baby.
Saturday- BootCamp W/Cat 10-11  This class is lead by a older woman. She eludes grateful aging and loves to work up a gentle sweat!

THEN  Courtney yoga- 11:20A -12:20A – Well, let’s just say, it’s not your aunties yoga. Courtney, is hitting the mark with this physical strengthening, mind training and spiritual infused POWER Yoga class.

Don’t miss any of these classes!
LOCATION: Jl Well and Fit 7308 E Independence Blvd, Charlotte, North Carolina 28227

LaShay did that at Queens Fitness

COST: FREE – I need the support of other women.  The trainers will win a few good clients and Herbalife will earn distributors. See another win- win -win project from the Queen! See you around.

We have finished the first week. The feedback has been nothing less than  empowering. I have done many things. This by far is up there for most impactful.

“Amazing advanced yoga today. When my body told me I couldn’t do anymore, I whipped out my Past Tense EO, applied it, and keep telling myself…I can do this. With the help of Courtney Yoga and her positive affirmaions, I made it all the way thru class. Thanks JabeLa Ledsi !!! I am not even sore…woot woot!” Jennefer

The women walking into this studio looked* like me. They are looking for the same thing I’m looking for and that’s an supportive environment to allow my body to get on track physically, spiritually and nutritionally. Queens Fitness is it. Please join us and bring someone! Your best fitness trainer is waiting to meet you.

Courtney Yoga QCSupermom Queens Fitness