Friday Four: Flu Symptoms Be Gone! Natural remedies for little ones.

Seeing my little ones under the weather makes my heart hurt. Especially when they can’t blow their tiny stuffed noses or cough up the mucus buildup that may be rattling in their chest. We try to avoid over the counter drugs as much as possible.Why? Haven’t you been reading those crazy side effects? As for my family and I. We’ll trust mother nature first!



Let Food Be Thy Medicine!!!!

Season by season we adjust our herb cabinets and juice section in the kitchen.

Our ultimate goal is to maintain a healthy immune system,but sometimes it does get out of whack.When that happens, we go straight into repair mode. Although frequent hand washing is your absolute best defense, check out our top 4 ways to fight cough, fever,sore throat, nasal congestion, and aches. This collection will get your lil one up in no time!

  1. Fresh Ginger Root: Another warming spice that is best consumed fresh (chew pieces of ginger root) but is also effective when made into a tea (peel, grate and steep the root in hot water). Gingerols, the active components in ginger, have anti-inflammatory effects and also ease sore throats. Drink a few cups of ginger tea or chew ginger throughout the day.Coconut oil  is anti-viral, anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory. Consume a few tablespoons a day, preferably with food or melted into warm water or teas. Minimally processed, extra-virgin, Go organic! Or just fast for the day, that works too! soup
  2.  Sip some soup: For generations, caring parents have been serving chicken soup to kids with colds and flu. But was mom right? Possibly. A 2000 study published in the journal Chest showed that chicken soup may help relieve symptoms of upper respiratory tract infections. Or gargle with salt water.
  3. Menthol Steam: 

    Breathing moist air helps loosen the mucus in the nasal passages. Adding a little eucalyptus improves the efforts.and so will a warm bath. I put the smaller ones on my lap face down with a towel over their head toward the water filled basin.

    Please remind your little one to cover her/his mouth during each sneeze....

    Please remind your little one to cover her/his mouth during each sneeze….

  4. For fevers: Undress. sweat glands will be better able to release moisture, which will make your little one feel more comfortable. Strip ém down! Then sponge with tepid water or, better yet, sit  ém in a tub of coolish water (definitely not ice cold water, which can induce shock) for half an hour. If you put a feverish child in a tub or sink of water, be sure to hold the child. Don’t apply an alcohol rub, because it can be absorbed into the skin and cause alcohol poisoning.

Mom, you CAN heal your child with out drugs…..If it doesn’t work, the drugs will always be there!

I hope these tips help. Till the next sneeze, take care,  QC SuperMom