2016-17 Graduation- Family Milestone

I am floating on cloud nine right about now!  By many accounts, I should not be where I am. I should not be married. I shouldn’t have smart children, nor should they be graduating, especially from college! BUT GOD!

This year, I have been honored to have not one, but 4 graduates to celebrate. My husband, my oldest son, and two of my daughters. It was not planned or budgeted. But think goodness for the life style we have. Because of that reason alone we are gonna celebrate in the most grand way possible. After all, how often do you get 4 graduates in one year?


My graduates- Raj- Husband- Army Veteran, Central Piedmont Community College/CPCC –  Elementary Education majorIMG_5125-001

My oldest son- Jervon jervon                 Basketball MVP, Hampton University, Hampton VA.  B.S. Liberal Arts

Below is a clip from one of his recent games at Hampton University. Watch here!


My 2nd oldest daughter- JC        Working Teen, Hemingway High, College bound- She hasn’t decided what she wants to do as of yet. jcp

My 3rd oldest daughter- DeeDua , teenpernuer,  Providence High School Trade School Paralegal Studies dee


I’m so proud of each of them. Each of them were born with obstacles to overcome. From being the child of a single mom to starting life on this side some 4 months early. As they say the tassel was worth the hassle. They made it! Who else is celebrating a graduate? The video below is of a Momsrising friend of mine. She was sharing some motivational tips for my daughter DeeDua. Listen in!

I am so proud of each of my scholars. I know they are prepared for whatever life throws at them. My hope is that the younger one will follow their path and not mine as it relates to student loans. Going to college for free is a blessing. My husband education was sponsored by the Veteran administration. My son attended all four years under a athletic scholarship. My daughters had to search and apply for hundreds of grants and scholarships. The money is out there. You can get some too!

Get FREE Money for college! Click the  image below to see he most current collection.   Find_Scholarship_Money