Friday Four: Moms+Toxin=Politics

Moms+Toxins equals Politics. When someone hears the words toxic, they think awful personality. When I hear the word, toxic/toxins, I think lowered immune system,cancer, birth defects, early puberty, asthma, ADHD, diabetes, birth defects, obesity, and other sickness.  I think stop buying things or supporting companies that make them and contacting my elected officials and asking them to make changes for my family. We don’t know it, but that’s politics.

Samya Tiffaine Pressley- Scott 05-09-94 - 10-25-05

Samya Tiffaine Pressley- Scott Sunrise 05-09-94        Sunset 10-25-05

Think about it., As more products come in the market, so does more illnesses. However when we don’t support them, they run out of business,or improve the product/service. With enough heat , our political representatives  are more inclined to speak up for us* (um- most times). 

As a advocating wife and mother of 9 (8 living), it’s difficult to find products free of toxic chemicals,” We must find alternatives, read and research weird labels, and tell Washington pass stronger laws on toxic chemicals.

The worst thing that could happen is that you can loose a child as I have. The best thing is that change will be made. I have been on the loosing side and it’s painful, forever and destructive. Alone, I know I can’t make much noise, but with powerful moms groups like MomsRising and NC Toxin Free, we can move mountains.

Since loosing my sweet Mya, we’ve made these four changes. sick

1. We’ve stopped using air fresheners- we now use herb based mixtures.

2. We’ve stopped using pesticide grown food (well sorta) – we now wash everything before we eat it, if it isn’t organic.

3. We’ve stopped using strong chemicals to clean- that stuff required opening windows AND holding our breath. Now we use more baking soda, vinegar and oil based mixtures, I still use bleach for laundry and hard jobs(with the windows open of course).

4. We’ve stopped using Bisphenol A /BPA(it’s a bad chemical used in most plastic production. Although it’s harder to keep up with the boys BPA free things, it’s worth it. We now use more glass items, which includes mason jars as cups.

Bonus: We have even got rid of our moth balls! That was a hard habit to break. But once we learned that those cute, smelly, white balls could cause headaches and irritation to nose, throat and lungs, we stopped buying them! Instead, we make sachets from dried lavender/ cedar and equal parts dried rosemary and mint.


Here’s 5 EASY ways to avoid toxins. Compliments of NC Toxin Free Top5Tips

Here’s great information on chemical facts: chems_factsheet2014+cites

Team Work makes Dreamwork

Stroller Brigade- Team Work makes Dreamwork

“I believe that the rights of women and girls is the unfinished business of the 21st century” — Hillary Clinton

Let my heartbreak be our wake up call! Mom Up!

Join MomsRising

Join NC Toxic Free

Have a great weekend,

QC Supermom