Friday Four: 4 Reasons 2 Smile

I am listing my 4 reasons to smile right now. This week was really crazy. If you read Wednesday’s post you’d see why I am smiling today! No time to be down ya’ll!

1. My practitioner called. She said that my last blood lab test, you know the one I was completely frightened about Wednesday was a false read. I’m as healthy as a horse! Whoot-woot!

2.     WE’RE  MOVING!     The Veterans Administration has FINALLY came through! We are now back on an active hunt for a 4 bed/2 bath home. Talk about a long 3 months of hard living. Our kids are champs!


My first born is on his way home as I type !!!! Yippie!  College has done him well. Now that we can’t “see” each other everyday there are I love you’s all up & through our conversations. His thinking process is just better! (He’s no. 30 in that picture.)


On May 9th, we celebrated my transitioned daughters 18th b’day with The Ronald McDonald’s House -Charlotte. On the same day they opened their doors, she was born, so it just made sense to celebrate together! I along with other supermoms collected loads of supplies for their pantry. SaMya would’ve LOVE it.

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I have had the


week ever.

I wasn’t sure if there would be any post made for this weeks Friday Four!

I must really like ya’ll or love to feel like there is need for me to release online in the form of a blog!  I guess it’s a resolution of the both. 🙂

Doesn’t that mean I need a life?

ImageThe above picture was Monday. The girls & I took off. We left the fellas at home  & got our Girls Night Out -on!

Can you say it was just what the Dr ordered? We had a blast. Tuesday, I had to see my mid- wife! I LOVE Melissa C. She doesn’t do all those extra things regular OBGYNs do in ya “privates” to check the baby.

Then Wednesday was Pre School Pre-view  for the boys. They LOVE the interns at Imaginon! I wish the UNC Charlotte instructors would extend their semester so they can work their magic on the kids a few more Wednesdays out of the week.

Thursday morning…was….Monkey Joes. It was free. You do NOT not PASS UP A FREE PLAY DATE AT MONKEY JOES! EVER!  Image We finished four hours later at Earth Fare for dinner. YUMMY! I even took my husband dinner. Why not the girls you ask? Well I’ll tell you. Because I had to pick them up for Citizens In School. It was a fantastic workshop that helped inform parents about their services and how to prepare our children for high school.  There was a nice turnout. I ate AGAIN.  Out of all the people that was there, both of my girls won prizes!  Cassie for filling out a “Did you know” type of questionnaire & getting them all correct, before anyone else- & D for answering a “You been should’ve known” question. I’ll be honest with you, I appreciated Cassie’s book. It provides in depth solutions to high school. It was comparable to a blueprint to graduation and college.  But D’s, it was a $25.00 gift card to Chili’s! Talk about a 2Fer’!ImageImage I’m  glad we went.  So was one of the counselors from their school. So much so that he had them gift bags at school the next day. First stop Friday was to take a tour of the Ronald McDonald House.    I figured since we’ll be there next Saturday for the shopping trip, it would be nice to know what it looks like inside. It’s such a lovely place. They think of everything. I think we’ll have a great fundraiser! Folks seem genuinely eager to help!!!  We’ll see though. Later that evening I had to dash to the girls school for the last day of the bogo free Book Fair. YOU DON’T MISS BUY ONE GET ONE FREE FOR BOOKS!!!!! EVER!!!!! The counselor must’ve though that is coming for the gift bags because he started making them as I got closer to the front desk. Poor fella!  He obviously never seen my cape!  I don’t do bags full of candy!  I guess because I’m  8+months pregnant, I look like a unconscious slop bucket…..and my kids.  NO THANK YOU- I took much of the candy out of their bags before they even seen what was inside.  (Not all because I do like to dabble in Reese cups everyonce in a while. You can’t blame me, the baby wants it’) We ended up giving loads of  it away at the library and market.  We made a revised one & on Monday they will give  it to him  as thank you’  gift! Saturday……….we had to go the dryer——- Yes, I said Saturday.  (I’m using Sunday as my new Saturday this week, which is highly possible to be changed at any time! )

So as I was saying; the girls had training for the revised Loaves & Fishes pantry. They have a new procedure to empower more efficient shopping and family empowerment choice.  My kids have been volunteering for over 7 years now. It helps keep them humble. On our way home, we stopped at a block party!  AND YES, I ate there too. What a week!