Friday Four: Order, Order Order in the house!

4 Benefits of Using Routines with Your Kids

We have a large family. For us to function, we must have order. Over time I realized that for me to even think of any morsel of semi private bath time, I needed more structure. Alas…. routines became a must. And when it did, it was like a light switch came on. Now not only do our home run smoother, there’s less melt downs, and more happy time. Here are my four tips for creating and using routines.


1. Routines eliminate power struggles This activity (brushing teeth, napping, turning off the TV to come to dinner) is just what we do at this time of day. Another example, he may want to go to the playground now, but he can learn that we always go to the playground in the afternoon, and he can look forward to it then. The parent stops being the bad guy, and nagging is greatly reduced.

2. Routines help kids learn to take charge of their own activities. Over time, kids learn to brush their teeth, pack their backpacks, etc., without constant reminders.  Kids love being in charge of themselves. This feeling increases their sense of mastery and competence.  Kids who feel more independent and in charge of themselves have less need to rebel and be oppositional.

4.. Schedules help parents maintain consistency in expectations. If everything is a fight, parents end up settling: more TV, skip brushing teeth for tonight, etc.  With a routine, parents are more likely to stick to healthy expectations for everyone in the family, because that’s just the way we do things in our household.  The result: a family with healthy habits, where everything runs more smoothly!

2 of my daughters hiding from the camera.

2 of my daughters & youngest son 


Here are more help with the benefits of providing structure.

Listen to what General Colin Powell says about maintaining structure in young people.

Don’t you just LOVE routines? Till the next regular post, QC Supermom