Friday Four: What Type Of Mom Are You?

I am a Care-free Diplomatic Mom. And it works for me.Fun blogger mom In Charlotte I do have fun with my children. Although they have a firm bedtime, I watch them while they are asleep and look forward to seeing them each morning bright eyes and bushy tailed. Even the one in college, I look forward to our regular texts, face-time calls and third party messaging. (Thank Goodness for technology right?!)

Well, now that I know what type of mom I am, (after 23 years) I now understand my norms.Even my new self indulgence of sweet red wine was coined as normal. I know that I’m nothing fancy, just a fun, supportive mom. And that’s okay with me. My results went on to say that:

You are “The Carefree Diplomat Mom!”

As The Carefree Diplomat Mom, you’re able to act as mediator as well as be creative and interactive with your children. Chances are you encourage child-led activities, but aren’t averse to jumping in and playing, too.

Pro: You’re fair and just and will use discipline when needed, but encourage your child to work things out on her own.

Con: Be sure to assert yourself as the adult. Carefree Diplomat Moms may forget to separate themselves from their children, creating confusion as to just who’s in charge.


PopSugar said that I’m

An Outstanding Mom

Looks like we found the “No. 1 Mom.” You always put the needs of your children (and even your partner) before your own. Sometimes this stresses you out, but most of the time you manage to keep calm. Because you know it’s all worth it just to hear your kids say they love you.

Want to package yourself for a elevator pitch of summary to put on your new mommy cards? Well here you go. my girls
PICK one!
PopSugar was the fastest one.

Which Disney Mom Are You Most Like? This one was really fun to do   

I got – Emily, Andy’s Mom ;Imaginative and extremely hard-working, you are most like Andy’s Mom, Emily from “Toy Story”! Your heart swells with the love of your children even as you read this, and even moreso when you realize just how much of yourself you see in them. Whether by strong genetics or a beautiful relationship, you have at least one child that is YOU made over, and for better or worse you consider it a dream come true. You’ve always cherished youth and encourage creativity and imagination in your family – wouldn’t have it any other way!

my 4 boys

I’m almost embarrass to share my results from all of these sites, but they are so cute. I’m sorry. Here’s just one more from Mother-Styles–  (This is another great one too!)

Your type is: ENTP  —The “Independence” Mother

“When I held my babies, I always faced them outward so they could take in the world.”

  • Full of energy and confident in her own self-sufficiency and competence, the ENTP mother encourages her children—as a role model and as a teacher—to be independent and confident on their own in the world.
  • A “big picture” person, she points out options and possibilities along the way. Objective and logical as well, the ENTP wants her children to evaluate their choices and learn from the consequences of their own decisions.
  • The ENTP mother is resourceful and action-oriented. She likes going places and doing things with her children, exploring all that life has to offer. She is less concerned with rules, routines, and schedules. Introducing her children to new concepts and activities, challenging them, and stimulating their intellectual development are top priorities.

I think these were on the mark! Something else I learned is that I am a great mom and it’s okay to be so.It has taken me many years to get comfortable as a mom of NINE. Call it serendipity, but I know that progressive motherhood  is my destiny! I absolutely LOVE it! To learn more about quiz models, click –> HERE<–  –> Spanking? Use Mamma Spit? See THIS <—-SaMya T. Pressley Scott -my angel

Till next time,

Have a GREAT mommy day! I will!

Wednesday Wow: Being Happy on Mother’s Day

We all want to be happy on Mother’s Day. But for many of us, this type of happiness is an elusive, fleeting state that we can capture only for a brief moment,if at all.



Instead of feeling bad about not having a child, mother or positive relationship with either (or both if they are living.) Well I have news for YOU!

The person you most admire, or envy, is showing you the “highlights reel” in their lives. Think about it. Can someone be ecstatic 24/7? The answer is NO. My family has a healthy 75/25 joy ratio. For me, sharing our great times together is my way of encouraging them to keep up the great work and inspire others that may wonder if such a LARGE family can be productive. The bad things will never be shared. There’s no logical reason for it.

“For after all, the best thing one can do when it is raining is let it rain.” ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When things look dark, we can all use a simple reminder of what is truly important. It’s Your piece of mind. ” The Jones” should inspire you, not cause you to envy. Here’s my confession: 

At least once a month, I WISH my mom and oldest daughter was still alive.

I used to get very sad thinking about why they had to leave when they did. My daughter passed 3 days before my birthday at 11 years old. My mom a year later. I began to compare her absence with other girls her age and would question, what would she had been like. I would do the same with my mom. I would fantasize her  driving up to our home enjoying her grandkids as she had the older ones. After going into a deep thought, I bring myself to accepting that they were gone in the form I wanted them in. I realized that getting  past those thoughts would allow me to enjoy my other 8 children, as well as their adopted community grand parents. Never a trade off- But it was something I had to accept and grow from.


“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough” ― Oprah Winfrey


Being able to do so has allowed for peace and other great moments with my family. Today, people ask,, “Why do you smile so much?” I answer quickly, ” I have no reason not too.” So in closing, if this Mother’s Day find you in the dump, snap out your note book and write your blessings down. Look to them to pull forward your joy and build a foundation for more greatness.

“Many people lose the small joys in the hope for the big happiness.” ― Pearl S. Buck

Easier said than done you said? Well, you never know unless you try. What do you have to loose by choosing happiness?   Remember, “It isn’t what you have or who you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it.”


Be Happy With What You Have!

QC Supermom

Have A Great Mother’s Day Weekend Everyone!!!



“Until you make peace with who you are, you will never be content with what you have.” 

Friday Four: What To Do While Waiting On The Snow

I said “Brrrrr! It’s cold in here! It must be a Tiger in the atmosphere!” YES, it’s a corny old school day cheer, but it is definitely cold in the QC. So settle in and stay there. Charlotte, NC has closed for the week! 

Organo Gold Now Delivers Healthy Coffee to Your DoorNortherners make jokes about how we southerners react to a “little snow.” But we rarely get snow down here in Charlotte NC. When the news folks began to talk about the white gold, the children and I got excited while my husband begins his search for batteries!

So while he’s running around like a mad man, I’ll tell you about my top four ideas to help you enjoy this cold and shut in weather! They were inspired by my QC Supermom FB friends.

 Fashion Misfit1. Well if you have a significant other, then lucky you.  The cold weather means wanted body contact. Cuddle on the couch with a few good movies,light snacks, and a warm blanket. OR you could turn up the music to your favorite music artist and just relax. Two of my friends are doing just that. One just shared on QC Supermom that she is listening to Bob Marley on Spotfy… sippin wine. Thinking about all of the above makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside!

cuffing weather

Make sure Fido is warm if he/she sleeps outside.


2. Catch up with back logged work. Sure, it’s not as fun, but it’s still a smart move. Just about all of your questions can be answered by third parties because they too have little to do today. My friend Ed, from The Preparedness Consulting group is doing his taxes, getting ready for his next trade show and completing some new home made laundry detergent. A momperneur friend of mine, from Fashion MisFit is getting a head start on her next big order of customized purses.

 Preparedness Consulting Group, LLC

3.” We made “Casuela de Cerdo” a pork and potato stew .. Hot tea.. And movies … I am going to do some sewing tomorrow! ” said Jessica.  I like the idea of trying new recipes also.

4.Have your children perform’ Karaoke Night’ for you! My babies LOVE to entertain me.  It is by far the best and most affordable entertainment in town. The video below was from Thanksgiving. They entered my work-space so I watched them dance. 🙂

Whatever you do, stay safe, warm, inside, prepared, and connected to others!

~QC Supermom


More on :

Healthy tea, and coffee by Organo Gold.

Being Prepared by Ed Godka & The Preparedness Consulting Group LLC.

Customized fashions and designs by Fashion Misfit USA-

Wednesday WOW: Let’s Get The Kids In The Kitchen.

four little boys cookingInvolving your kids in the kitchen enhances their appreciation and basic knowledge of different foods and good nutrition. You can teach them safe ways to handle food as well as simple cooking techniques. Plus, the time spent together is invaluable family time and encourages a lifetime of healthy eating.8 yr old shredding cheese

I like to look in various magazines, cookbook newspaper ads,, and even old menus for inspiration on what to cook. Now don’t get me wrong, I have also passed by other people and have secretly drooled at what they are indulging.

For us, not much is off limits. There are many ways to make just about everything healthier and tastier to enjoy.

Here’s how my large family create a healthy meal together.

1. We look to see what we have and note what we need. Coupons can be grabbed from the Sunday paper and online. In the fridge, we look for:

            1. Freshness
            2. Enough  of the ingredient for the recipe
            3. Something everyone can and will want to eat.

2.We determine who will do what. This is based on each ones age and ability to safely follow directions. There are six children in the home ranging from two to sixteen; a helper or two is never hard to find.

For most children you can give the following kitchen jobs:

2-4- year olds children can stir, roll, and even mash ingredients in a large deep bowl. This age group, however, needs very close adult supervision since their dexterity and motor skills are still developing.

5-7  year olds can help with reading  recipes, measuring, juicing, and prepping, and gathering certain ingredients. They may still need reminders to watch their fingers during grating and peeling.

8-11 year olds can cut, use specialty appliances like the panini press, waffle, ice cream maker, bigger knives and maybe even able to roast veggies. Now with a grasp of some basic cooking skills and an appreciation for the rules of the kitchen, young cooks are ready to take on more complex tasks using more kitchen equipment.  Of course, close and constant supervision are required at all times.

12 & up* This group can place and remove food from the oven, and even help create a healthy menu for an entire  week.

Here’s one of our weekly meals. Lasagna

Ingredients:Young boy cooking pasta

  • 1 pound dry pasta
  • 1 onion, chopped
  • 1/2 garlic clove chopped
  • 1 pound lean ground turkey* (meat is optional- we use meat alternatives)
  • 2 (26 ounce) jars spaghetti sauce
  • 8 ounces muenster cheese (we dice it our self to save money)
  • 8 ounces mozzarella cheese (we dice it our self to save money)
  • Sprinkles of salt, flax seeds,and pepper to taste

four  year old cookingDirections-

  • Bring a large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add pasta, and cook until al dente, about 8 minutes; drain.In a large skillet, brown onion and “crumbled meat” over medium heat. Add spaghetti sauce, and simmer 15 minutes. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).  Butter a 9×13 inch baking dish.
  • Layer as follows: 1/2 of the pasta, mixed cheeses,1/2 sauce mixture, remaining mixed pasta, cheeses and remaining sauce mixture. Top with grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Bake for 30 minutes in the preheated oven, or until cheeses are melted.five year old cooking

Tilapia and Green Tea

Why teach children how to cook?

  • Cooking can be a fun time to bond with your kids, as well teach basic cooking education(importance of proper food safety practices, including food storage and kitchen hygiene ).Your kids will become more independent and confident.
  • Before they leave home, they should know how to successfully cook and eat well when on their own.
  • Teach them the difference between food and highly processed food items. If you don’t have a garden consider starting a container garden and shopping from a farmers market.

Get more information here;

Food A fact Of Life

Why is Farm-to-School Important?

Noodles does NOT come from a can!

ENJOY!- QC Supermom

Wednesday Wow: I’m Not A Grinch!

What If Christmas means more?

What If Christmas means more?

Every Who down in Who-ville liked Christmas a lot… sorta like my Facebook timeline. Everyone is cooking, shopping and “selfi-ing!” And I think it’s really cute actually but the stress that come with buying to expectations……. it’s way to overwhelming.

It’s official, the kids have named us Mr. and Mrs. Grinch last night! In the back of my mind, I thought it was a compliment. He is a wise ole’ cat.

So yes, I’m ok with that. I understand that they have to be reminded everyonce in a while the purpose of the holiday.  It is hard when grandparents and others gift them but it comes back full circle when I start quoting my favorite scences from The movie, ” How The Grinch Stole Christmas.”

And then, they’ll do something I hate most of all. Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small, will stand close together… with Christmas bells ringing. They’ll stand hand in hand… and those Whos… will start singing!

Christmas should mean more.

Christmas should mean more.

We do not celebrate Christmas in our home the way most people do.

 “I MUST find some way to stop Christmas from coming!” “I MUST stop this Christmas from coming! But HOW?” …….They’re finding out now that no Christmas is coming! They’re just waking up, I know just what they’ll do. Their mouths will hang open a minute or two, then the Whos down in Whoville will all cry, “Boo Hoo.”

Narrator: And what happened, then? Well, in Whoville they say – that the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day. And then – the true meaning of Christmas came through, and the Grinch found the strength of*ten Grinches, plus two!

For us it’s a time of service. Like an extension of Thanksgiving! Gifts are for birthdays and that is when we go all out for our children and other loved ones.( I personally only know three people who has a birthdays on December 25th.) 


Just add green cookies!

Just add green cookies!

OK, out of my way, small Who, I’ve got better things to do than to spend my time with you on Grinch Night.  I know just what to do! I’ll make a quick Santy Claus hat and a coat! All I need is a reindeer!

(time to get ready to volunteer for Entrepreneur High School and prepare for Kwanzaa tomorrow!  ” Grinch is gonna getcha, Grinch is gonna getcha, Grinch indeedy, fa-la-la! YA!” Tomorrow is Christmas. It’s practically here!

Now pucker up and kiss it, Whoville!

handmade  christmas giftsClick here for cute Grinch theme clips! You’ll love them!

Here’s a great playlist for tomorrow!- Various artist holiday songs and the list is here.

Friday Four: Disney On Ice Princesses and Heroes Review

Talk a bout a must see! This was a great show!  Disney On Ice : Princesses and Heroes  should be of every families bucket list. The cast diversity, and storylines were perfect! Last week we offered one of our readers the chance to attend Disney on Ice: Princesses and Heroes with thier family!

There were are least eight stories told in under two hours. With all of the action and awesome lines, your child wouldn’t even notice it. Disney’s Princesses & Heroes will transport you into a condensed version of the loveable Disney stories of Jasmine & Aladdin, Snow White & prince, Belle & Beast, Ariel & Eric, Aurora & Prince Phillip, Rapunzel & Flynn Rider, Tiana & Naveen.

We had the perfect hosts in Mickey, Minnie & Tinkerbell!IMG_0547

“Be Our Guest,” and “Under the Sea,” pop with creative costumes and dynamic lighting designs, and are as peppy as anything

I grew up watching their movies. I get as excited as the children since it made me instantly takes me back to the days of my youth. So it easily becomes a 90 – 120 minutes treat for everyone.

 What is also cool it that each year they find a incredible way to keep it fresh without any story line -overkill. This year, there was FIRE and fireworks! Really- How cool is that?!?!?!?!?!

The skater’s skills were out of this world! They spun, they danced and they jumped (even on the water and fire!). It was truly the highlight of our week and we are already looking forward to next year.

 My hope is that in the very near future we’ll be offered a fruit kabob or candied apple beside those $12. bags of cotton candy. (Yes, a girl can wish !)

While tickets can be a bit pricey (though deals can always be found) it’s absolutely worth the excitement aroused and the gusto with which the little ones rush to the event!

"Children today..... what can I say!" -

“Children today….. what can I say!” –

Here’s my 4 simple tips for attending a live show on Ice:

1. Eat before you go. EVERYTHING in the area is exspensive. Your children will want it all.

2. Bring a sweater. It’s Disney On Ice. It gets pretty cold in there.

3. Get there on time. When the show begins the lights are turn off and let’s be honest, who likes to get up for  people to squeeze in the row. It’s a considerate thing to do.

4. Enjoy yourself. This is a vacation for your family. Make the most of it and have fun. Laugh, sing a long, take pictures and use a hash tag! Yes really, Feedback is golden. And your child(ren) will remember it forever!

Ooooh, the perks of being a mom blogger! Disclosure: Field Entertainment will provided my family and I with 4 tickets for Disney On Ice. All thoughts and opinions are my own. No compensation was received. Thank you again to all of the contestants in our fun contest! They were all great entires! See ya soon!


Wednesday Wow: When Being a Mama Aint Easy

I don’t ever recall a time that I suffered from severe depression, but I have known the isolation of being a stay at home mom with no close neighbors, friends, or family. So when I read my friends post this morning, I had absolutely nothing to say beside, I love you and I am here for you. She is a member of my stay at home moms group and we just recently began karaoke night at a local “bar” just to get out and do something out of the box for us moms.So it was indeed a surprise to see that she was so depressed. robin-williams

As I read what others shared, I had no clue that so many sahm felt the same way. I share most of it here.

~You said what I think needed to be said. Robin’s fight with depression highlighted emotions that I have been hiding and battling, too. Tracy, your post hits the nail on the head: we all are hiding it and trying to keep everyone else happy while we are hurting. Thank you for writing this.


~Another mom friend- Well put. I too hide in my darker times because it’s hard to deal enough, I don’t need any extra. I love you and I’m here if you need

yello rope

-Another mom friend – My help comes from God and His great love for me. You can’t drift too far from his care.

~Another mom friend – I completely understand what you mean. I feel so hypocritical sometimes when I say “I’m fine”


~Another mom friend- This is not the first post I’ve seen to this effect. I’m glad Williams’ death has given those who wouldn’t ordinarily speak up a platform. Also, it was brave of you to share, so thank you.  depr

FROM: “Mrs Mom Friend”- I want to follow on from my post about the need for understanding depression and pain that so many go through at any given time. It has lost a bit of its stigma- you likely know at least a few friends who have been to counseling or who have needed anti-depressants. What nearly none of its know is that people we care about or see each day could be struggling without us even knowing.

We could even be close, but because no one wants to be the downer (especially if they have felt like one in the past), we could literally be standing 2 feet apart, both needing someone, anyone to connect and what is keeping us from giving hope to each other with even just a few words or a hug is only fear.

I do not hide the fact that I have had major issues with depression since I was 13 that continue to this day. What I usually do hide is just how bad it could and did get, for months and even years. How many times can you feel like you can reach out and still have anyone want to speak to you?

So as not to be a hypocrite when I say please let someone know when you are struggling, I am struggling. Some days are better than others. This is certainly not the darkest things have ever been by any stretch, but I have hidden how difficult it has been to be nearly always alone with my daughter whom I love dearly. Everyone around me is busy. Of course they are. The world is busy. Yet, I feel alone and like I can’t talk about it or anything else, feel like I can’t ask for friendship connection without being horribly selfish or annoying or bothersome or that obligatory person they’d rather sidestep but are too polite to say so, so I withdraw. I withdraw and am afraid to ask for anything anymore, and most of the time I can deal with that but sometimes it hurts like a bitch and that raw space opens right back up.

I’m fighting myself on posting this. There is what will people think and the fear of responses and the bigger fear of no response. However, I would like the world to be a little brighter and a little less lonely and worrying for all of us, and we can’t hold our hands out to each other if we can’t be just honest enough to say, “Hey, it’s kinda hard right now. You there?”

On the other side, I’d personally like to help you hang in there a bit easier even if it was just a bad day, or even if it’s something you can’t shake from 40 years of living. We weren’t made to be isolated creatures. We were meant to connect and care.

Is this a totally weird freaking post? Are you eye-rolling out there? Probably, but even in my clumsy, disorganized rambling, I thought it was important to say, even if only to one person who needs to hear. ——  “Mrs Mom Friend”

One very important thing to keep in mind is that a good 75 percent of clinically depressed people don’t get diagnosed or treated for it, DePaulo says.

I did some research and learned that “People in a depressed mood often do not have the energy to look for help,” Maidenberg explains. “They may have the idea but not the energy to find help.”

It’s important for people to recognize that most depressed people don’t end up killing themselves. “Longitudinal cohort studies have shown that less than 10 percent of people with clinical depression die as a result of suicide,” Crosby says. “That means that 90 percent die from something else.”

But if your loved one is resistant to getting help, “you need to firmly, but gently, remind the person that as bad as it may feel at a given time, depression tends to pass. Suicidal thoughts always pass. They may return, but you have to have the courage to wait till they go away.”

In closing, I love my friend,and don’t want to loose her to this disorder. She’s an incredible mom and enjoy going to karaoke with her. It’s the only thing I can offer her beside our common stay at home moms group activities.  Any other tips beside these?


Need help? Seek it here:

Suicude LifeLine

CALL the hotline -1-800-273-TALK (8255)

 Crisis Hotline

5th Total Children’s Wellness Fair

We are on and popping ya’ll. November, 15, 2014 from 11am- 2pm at The Carole Heofner 610 E 7th St, Charlotte, NC 28202 This celebration is the first and only complete child focused fair in the Carolinas! It’s free for guest and loaded with awesome things to get and keep you delightfully informed and engaged. This year’s theme is ………wait for it……. ” The Mad Hatter!”

TCWF  2014

We, Queen City Stay At Home Moms, community partners, and various other sponsors, invites families and children lovers in for games, giveaways, resources, workshops, shopping, presentations,and photo booth from well-known fruit friends — all for free. Our fair is special because it covers all 7 branches of wellness!Oneaka Mack at TCWF

  1. Social
  2. Spiritual
  3. Educational
  4. Environmental
  5. Financial
  6. Nutritional
  7. Physical

Impressed right?! You should be. A lot of work has been invested in this fair. So far, it has been well received and the quality has only increased each year. We’ve had enough moms saying there is nothing to do, they don’t know where to shop, they don’t know where to have a birthday party at, don’t have enough moms friends, etc., etc., well each year, we address those issues while entertaining our guest.We cover it all. This fair is for the unborn to the college student, We even throw in awesome entertainment, (dance off, cooking challenge by kids, Re-fashion show, and great families and POW!! Instant success.

Want to know more on the theme this year? CLICK BELOW for the incredible collection.

Vendors: Our fees are really great! Just looking at some of the other community based fairs and similar shows and its out of many vendors marketing budget. We understand that. If you are a compatible business owner, and ready to present yourself to your target market inbox me. This is for YOU!  Space is limited. So hurry!

Come out & support our youth. There’s something for everyone! Our children deserve this day.

Children and youth are our greatest asset, so please come out to learn more about what you can do to give support or get support. If not you, who?  If not together, how?  If not now, when?

I hope to see you all there.

Garcie Barra Charlotte

 QC Supermom

Wednesday Wow:Halley Berry’s Daughter said WHAT?

himThis has been a busy week. I’ve been all over the place with workshops, births and the children’s educational pursuits. The other day, something came to my mind, and I had to remember why is it that I never talk about my husband.

Yes, the wind beneath my wing, my main cat, my biggest driver, baby daddy, my King, anchor, my barrel of crazy. “Rajah.”

I think because of my mission is to uplift motherhood so much I’ve always focused on strengthen the mother child bond over the husband-wife connection. Let me put a pause in the thick of things to shed light on the importance of a great marriage via Nahla Berry.

I came across this heading, ”  Halle Berry’s Daughter Creates “Top Ten” List For Married Couples  ” It was a  segment of Late Show With David Letterman with an adorable “Top Ten Ways to Stay Married” list, created by her 6-year-old daughter, Nahla.

My first thought was…. how in the world would she know such things, but if you listen in, the little angel has a pretty good head on her shoulders. Bless her heart.

In the comments, someone mentioned that she know these things because of her moms failures. I say whatever it takes to make you a better person- go for it. I learned a lot watching my parents and other couples around me. I knew right away what I wanted and didn’t want in a relationship. I also watch myself. I didn’t want to ever be ” that type”  of wife. You KNOW WHAT I’m talking about. Go on and let your mind drift  anywhere you like.

When I met my children’s father, I MUCH thinner, more wild, and less enlightened. I’ll be the first to tell you that, over the last 16 years, I’ve been able to improve on two of the three things posted. He can accept that because I have accepted his changes as well. Why? Because he is still a great partner, meanest cheerleader and respectful friend. I guess it’s fair to say that, I get more production over problems with him.

The SUPER parents

The SUPER parents

In closing, I thinks it’s a great list and should be considered by any soon to be bride. Take a look and tell me what you think while I figure out wear I’ll wear my wedding dress to next.

Friday Four: How to deter your daughters from dating too young

mynhittersMy daughters are often the envy of some of the other moms in our local mom support group for one reason–they both have sworn off dating until they’re 18. Although one of them is a total nerd, neither of them are ugly. They’ve both been asked out many times, but they both give the same answer. We don’t date. Dating at this age, they say, is pathetic .

I wanted to include my husband in this discussion. So I asked him for his insight. He said “It’s normal for them to want to desire the opposite sex.” He said to have them watch medical tapings of vanerial diseases, dress them in chastity belts and send them to Saudi Arabia.

As unorthodox as that sounds, it may work. One of their friends just became a dad, so I can see where the drastic ideas come from. In short kids need a lot of communication, guidance, and information about these issues, even if they sometimes don’t appear to be interested in what you have to say.


Here are my 4 strategies to keep your daughter date envy free .

1. Have a conversation about sex, ideal boyfriends and the duty(s) of a relationship. You are responsible for setting sexual limits in a relationship. Girls need to be “certified!” They want to know that they are “acceptable” in todays society.

2. Take them everywhere you go: Friends have a strong influence on each other, so help your children become friends with kids whose families share your values. Expose them to the good, bad, and “Omg, I want this in my life!” This minimizes them hanging with the wrong influences and encourages them to see the perks of a positively productive life .

3. Sit on your husband’s lap and hug up in front of them. This works every time. My 15 year old says that we are too old for all of that. I makes us giggle but know she likes the fact that we still like each other as spouses(most times) some 16 years later. DIGITAL CAMERA

4. Show them how to make money: I can’t stress this enough. I think too many girls are looking for the wrong thing. If they make just $50 a week, or learn a new skill. it will work. They can buy their own  goods. Take her own self out to lunch with friends.

Cassie loves to sew and bake

Cassie loves to sew and bake

And parents, have regular conversations, you won’t worry so much about making a mistake or saying something not quite right, because you’ll always be able to talk again.

These are the strategies we used for our girls. Hope they work for you as well. What are some that have worked for you?

Let’s talk,

QC Supermom